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So this is my first story so if in case there is wrong grammar please correct me in a kind way. So I hope you will like this story.

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I woke up again from the same dream, gasping, I looked at the time and it's just 5 am! The dream kept on waking me up so i finally told myself to get up and eat breakfast. I made some pancakes so me and my sister can eat it later. As I ate breakfast I recalled the dream earlier.


I sat there and waited but no one came. After waiting for two hours, I stood up, and just as I was about to leave, I saw him walk by and look at the bench where I waited for him. I was just beside him so I saw him take a final glance at the bench and leave.

As I saw him walk away, I ran to him and grabbed his right arm and pulled him back to stop him from walking. He turned around. I looked at his face and it was all a blur, which was odd because the sky and the trees and almost everything is so clear. I was disrupted in my thoughts when he said "Hey" in a very calm voice.

I was very annoyed that I couldn't control my voice anymore so I shouted "Hey?! Really?! Is that all you have to say?! I waited for you for 2 WHOLE hours! Why didn't you come?!"

"What do you mean? I went to the place where we talked about and you weren't there."

"Oh really?" I paused for a while and said. "So what time did you go here?"

"Umm...... 30 minutes ago?" he answered while scratching his head. I can see right through him, he is clearly lying about his answer.

"30 minutes ago? Did you even hear me? I said I was here! Waiting! For 2 HOURS! and yet you did not come!" As I said this tears started to gather up in my eyes, ready to fall any minute.

I ran away from him afraid for him to see me cry. He ran after me and this time he was the one to grab me by my arm and pulled me back. I looked at him and tried to see the face but all I cleared out was those brown eyes and his eyebrows. I soon tried to ran away from his hard grasp but seemed impossible to do it because each time I try to wriggle my arm to loosen the grip, he tightens it more.

~End of flashback~

I thought of who that guy was while eating breakfast. I soon got tired of wondering so I just turned my attention to the days left before school begins once again. When I finished breakfast I went back upstairs to wake up my younger sister, Angel. I poked her a lot of times before she sat up and smacked me with a pillow before going back to sleep.

"Come on Angel! Wake up already! Its 5 o' clock, so its either you wake up or the pancakes-"

She suddenly stood up and ran down the stairs as soon as she heard the word pancakes. I laughed at her obsession for pancakes and its sweet syrup.

I walked outside and went to the park. It wasn't that hot since the sun was still rising the sunrise is beautiful! As I watched the sunrise, I was sitting on a bench when a guy, around my age,  suddenly sat beside me.

"Isn't it beautiful?" he said with a smile, then he looked at me. He had dark brown eyes and caramel brown hair.

I really didn't know who he is so I just looked at him confused and nodded while saying "Yeah, It is. So who are you?"

"Oh yeah! My name is Adrian. And you are?"

"I'm Isabella. I haven't seen you around. Did you just move here?"

"Yeah. My family just moved here yesterday because my dad got transfered here."

"Then welcome to our neighborhood."

"Thanks but why are you even awake this early even if there is no school?"

"Um... Its because I had a weird dream so I just woke up since it just keeps on bugging me every time I try to sleep."

"Oh then can you tell me what that dream is?"

I sighed and thought there wouldn't be any harm telling him so i told him about it.

"Woah. I wonder who that guy is cause in your dream I think you two are dating." He said standing up.

I also stood up and asked "How are you sure about that?"

"It's kinda obvious when you said that you were supposed to meet each other there and I was convinced that my thoughts were correct when he ran after you."

"Oh. Yeah you're right but I didn't see the face of the guy there so I don't actually know who he is."

Suddenly Angel ran to me and said "Come on Isabella! Mom and dad is awake and looking for you! We need to go home now!"

"Oh okay. See you later Adrian!" I said while walking away.

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