The Jonestown Massacre...

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The Jonestown Massacre, which had a death toll of 918 people, was the most deadly single non-natural disaster in U.S. history until September 11, 2001. The Jonestown Massacre also remains the only time in history in which a U.S. congressman was killed in the line of duty...

You see, Jones killed all of these innocent adults and children because he did not want them to leave. The reason people wanted to leave was because there where not enough cabins/homes for everyone. So he didn't let them leave, instead like I said he killed them. But how can you kill 918 people at once? That's a good question...

You see Jones gathered everyone up and well gave them something to drink.. And in this certain drink was mixed with grape koolaid and cyanide. Now there is a recording of what Jones said and while he's talking you can hear the screams of children and adults in the background, then it turning from screaming into demonic howls and grumbles as Jones had done a mass suicide...

Some of the things he said before he took his own life by shooting himself in the head was "If you knew what was ahead of you, you would be wanting to step over tonight. Stepping over tonight is more preferable than even ten more days of living on this planet."

I'm pretty sure any sick and twisted thing such as what had happened that very day would wake any demon from their slumber...

Have a lovely day...

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