100 Truths

29 2 13

●1.Last beverage: Water

●2. Last phone call: ???

● 3. Last text message: Don't text.

● 4. Last song you listened to: Wild Fire!

● 5. Last time you cried: When our lamb died.


● 6. Dated someone twice: Uh... no.

● 7. Been cheated on: Heck, no.

● 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: What??? No!

● 9. Lost someone special: Yes...

● 10. Been depressed: Yes.

● 11. Been drunk and threw up: Excuse me?


● 13. (second color) Green

● 14. (third color) Purple


● 15. Made a new friend: Yep.

● 17. Laughed until you cried: Oh, yes.

● 18. Met someone who changed you: Uhm... don't think so.

● 19. Found out who your true friends were: I know already.  :)

● 20. Found out someone was talking about you: Knew it already.

● 21. Kissed anyone on your friends list: EXCUSSSSEE MEEEE????

● 22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Like 6

● 23. How many kids do you want: Two?

● 24. Do you have any pets: Oh yeah.

● 25. Do you want to change your name: Some days.

● 26. What did you do for your last birthday: Go to sonic!

● 27. What time did you wake up? 7: 15

● 28. What were you doing at midnight last night. Sleeping like a dead person.

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: My bestfriend coming back to visit from Missouri.

● 30. Last time you saw your Mother: Two hours ago.

● 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Hard question... maybe the fact I have to share a room with my slightly cranky sister?

● 32. What are you listening to right now: The hum of our very old computer.

● 34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: My little sister.

● 35. Most visited web page(s): Howrse, soundcloud, gmail,

● 36. What's your real name: Mr.Octagonapus. (Not really)

● 37. Nicknames: Brookie

● 38. Relationship Status: Single, last time I checked.

● 39. Zodiac sign: Capricorn

● 40. Male or female: Female

● 41. Primary School: Homeschoooool

● 42. Secondary School: Homeschoooool

● 43. High school: Homeschoooool

● 44. Hair color: Brown

● 45. Long or short: long

● 46. Height: Short. (Too lazy to find out)

● 47. Do you have a crush on someone:

● 48: What do you like about yourself:

● 50. Tattoos: Uh, no. I'll pass.

● 51. Righty or lefty: Righty


● 52. First surgery: Hasn't occurred.

● 54. First best friend: Rachel

● 55. First sport you joined: Gymnastics

● 56. First vacation: To the mountains in a cabin


● 59. Eating: Nuttin'

● 60. Drinking: Nuttin' at all.

● 61. I'm about to: Type this down....

● 63. Waiting for: Drama! (The stage type)


● 64. Want kids: Not particularly. I may later on in life though.

● 65. Get married: Sure.

● 66. Career: Yep.


● 67. Lips or eyes: Eyes

● 68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs

● 69. Shorter or taller: Shorter

● 71. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous

● 73. Sensitive or loud: Sensative


● 76. Kissed a stranger: What?!?!? Are you insane?!?!

● 77. Drank hard liquor: See above answer.

● 78. Lost glasses/contacts: Nope. Don't need 'em.

● 80. Broken someone's heart: If I have, I don't know of it.

● 82. Been arrested: Seriously, what kind of scumbag do you take me fore?

● 83. Turned someone down: Yerp.

● 84. Cried when someone died: Oh yes.

● 85. Fallen for a friend: Eh, sorta.


● 86. Yourself: Some days.

● 87. Miracles: Yes.

● 88. Love at first sight: Not really.

● 89. Heaven: Yes.

● 90. Santa Claus: No.

● 91. Kiss on the first date: Maybe... (To be honest I think no, but there are special cases.)


● 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Hahahahahaahaha no.

● 95. Did you sing today: Yes.

● 96. Ever cheated on somebody: See #94

● 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: To see my friend Lexi.

● 99. Are you afraid of falling in love: Depends on who with. SOME people.... *Screams and runs away*

● 100. I didn't like the one it came with, so I am changing it : If you could bring back anyone from the dead, who would you? My friend, Lexi.

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