The Lonely One.

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The lonely one is a sad, pathetic creature. Its heart is gnawed at and black, spurting an oil-esque substance in place of blood. This heart does not even beat, it sputters, like the worn down engine of an ancient car. The lonely one wanders, ghostlike, through this world- it sees everything but touches nothing. Whenever it's around, the room falls into a dramatic, awkward silence- more awkward than could ever happen without its presence. Those who know about it merely tolerate it- the lonely one is a hard creature to put up with. Whenever it is with one of these poor souls that tolerate it, its cold, dead eyes procure tears as oily as the black mush pumping through its broken heart. It cries these tears and speaks of nothing except for her.

Ah yes, her- the one who had been always just out of reach for the lonely one. It had loved her for eons and eons- it had taken one look at her endearingly adorable face and latched onto her right away. It loved her more than it loved itself. Yet she was nearly destined to torture the lonely one, as in its life it had only been able to reach out to her twice. The first time, she grasped its hand, sat with it for a few hours, and walked away as if nothing had ever happened. The second time, it rambled on and on about how much it loved her- all she did was give it a sad smile and shake her head no, again walking away. But the lonely one still loved her with all of its cold, cold heart. She was the only thing that made its heart warm again.

Yet, as fate would have it, she found someone else. The day this happened, the lonely one could do nothing but compare itself desperately to the new one to find out why she turned down it but loved the new one. Eventually the lonely one came to the conclusion that the new one was simply a better being than it. But the lonely one made many excuses, cursing and insulting the new one with all its might, rambling now for hours about how much it hated the new one. How dare this new one steal her from the lonely one, who had loved her before the new one even began talking to her. Frustrated beyond all belief, the lonely one ran. It ran and ran until its cold heart finally felt something. Heartbreak.

The lonely one took its frustration out on the world- it grew bitter and hostile and stared down the new one as if looks could kill. It bottled everything up inside its cold, black heart and let everything go in one dramatic rant whenever questioned. The days of the lonely one's sorrow grew fewer in number than those of its frustration, as she was still madly in love with the new one a half year later. Finally the lonely one's frustration crashed into an utter fallout of depression and all of its motivation to anything seemingly vanished.

At its crash, it became a new creature. Something much worse, much more annoying. It pretended to love every person who so much as acknowledged its existence. It pursued many, searching for a distraction from the excruciating pain she caused its broken down soul. It finally, leechlike, latched onto a distraction and pulled her in. It oh so desperately devoted all of its energy into loving her. It had to keep up this facade to mask its failure with her. In the end, the poor girl it latched onto finally realized how much effort it took to deal with the dark, twisted creature the lonely one was. In one fell swoop, she sent the lonely one away to deal with her own different demons.

This is where its torture began anew. She... she came to comfort it. Nothing more than pats on the back, but with every pat, a new crack in its heart appeared. It realized finally that she would never leave the new one. That it, no matter what distraction it ended up with, would never get to have her the way it wanted. It wanted to scream, it wanted to run... hell, it wanted to die. But it couldn't. Because she did care about the lonely one, just enough that the lonely one could never leave. It had been chained to her and her beautiful blue eyes. The lonely one continued to despise the new one, but with her in its life, even as a friend, it was frozen in eternal hell and eternal heaven and it didn't know if it wanted to die or if it felt alive again.

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