Secret Life

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Note: this is my first time doing a fanfic please enjoy and I'm really sorry if it sucks D:


For most being a college student is really exciting and fun, but I can't really say the same about me. Maybe it's because I still don't really know what to study for or I'm just really tired of studying. I'm taking the basic classes for now and I will decide what I want to do with the rest of my life later..I guess

"Hey Viola"

I looked behind me and saw Jake,one of my best friends

"Hey" I said lazily

"Well you seem energetic as ever"

"You seem pretty sarcastic this early in the morning"

Jake smiled

"Come on we need to meet Ash before class"

Ashley is my other best friend. Three of us have been best friends since 7th grade. We met in Korean language class that we took in middle school. I took korean because I simply liked the language, culture and everything about it and because we used to live in a neighborhood with a lot Koreans and I was influenced by them.

Ashley took korean classes because she wanted to understand k-dramas better and Jake took korean because he was forced to by his friend, but then he liked the culture and music and he stayed in class. Three of us were partners in a project and that's how our long lasting friendship began.

We hurried to the courtyard where Ashley was waiting for us impatiently.

When she saw us she pointed to her watch-less wrist and said,

"It's been forever, where have you guys been?"

I opened my mouth to answer but she cut me off.

"I've got great news!"

She was so happy that she started jumping in place.

Jake and I exchanged looks.

"The last time I saw you THIS happy was when your parents got you a car on your 17th birthday. What? did they buy you a yacht this time?" I asked jokingly

Jake laughed

Ashley gave me a serious look, "Don't be ridiculous. We don't live near any body of water, what use will a yacht do to me?"

"Right" Jake said sarcastically

"What? Anyway you guys are going to make me forget what I wanted to say!

Our college is opening a new one of a kind dance club!"

"So?" both of us said

"I said 'one of a kind' aren't you guys curious about what that means?"

"It probably means that they will practice longer hours and meet professionals and stuff like that" I said with least bit of interest.

"Nooo!!...well yes, but Oh My Gosh! where do I begin!"

"You can start with saying why you seem that much interested in it. even though we know you took some dancing classes before, but this seem to interest you way more than it should" Jake said

Ashley smiled "True! ok so here it goes.. well by one of a kind I meant that the choreographer is a native Korean from South Korea and he will mostly focus on K-Pop!"

I knew what she was going to say next

"Lets join the dance club!"

I had a neutral look on my face. Yeah sure I liked K-Pop, but I'm no dancer. In 5th grade we had a dance competition and during rehearsals I injured FIVE people! They had ice all over them! So there's no way I'll join.

I looked at Jake and I saw joy in his eyes. I'm not surprised because he does likes to dance but never took dance classes for some reason and I believe he said he likes K-Pop dances or something. Maybe that's why he has never taken a dance class because its not his style.

Ash saw the look on my face and knew what I was thinking right away.

"Come on Viola! It'll be fun and besides I didn't tell you the best part! I saw on the poster and it said we we'll spend the summer, that's three month, in South Korea!"

Ok now I gained some interest in it. I always wanted to go to South Korea I was even saving up money. It was actually our dream, but it started to seem impossible and we sorta lost hope...and now this? I felt like I was

on cloud nine. If this was a dream I didn't want to wake up.

"Where do we sign up?"

*I'm really sorry to whoever is reading this I just feel like it's really boring Dx but I promise I will make it interesting as I continue. I'm new to wattpad and I've read some fanfics and I really enjoyed it so I thought I should give it a try since I do wish I would go to South Korea one day and with this I can imagine like it's happening to me ^-^ or you can pretend like it's you and you're experiencing this! :) Viola will also be very much like me but not completely hehe Thank you for reading though :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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