Chapter 18

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I woke up this morning running to the bathroom, probably to throw up again. I've been doing that a lot lately. Every morning for a week I've been throwing up and eating weird shit. Like yesterday I was eating pickles covered in peanut butter. Nasty, I know. But it tasted so good. I feel a hand on my back and someone lifting up my hair. I wipe my mouth and see Dre behind me.

Dre: Baby, let's go to the store and get you something.

Zoey: Ughhh fine.

I got up washed my mouth and went to our closet since we're still staying at Roc's we decided to move in for the summer, and Roc really wanted me to stay. I picked out some All black baggy leggings, a white tank top, and my Nike slides. I through on my thick gold chain and made my way downstairs. Ashely was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

Ashely: Hey babe what's wrong?

Zoey: Man. I'm not feeling good so me and Dre about to run to the store and get some medicine.

She stepped close towards me.

Ashely: Have you been throwing up, and craving weird things? She whispered.

Zoey: Yeah, why?

She gasped.

Ashely: Zoey, I think Your Pregnant.

Zoey: No. No. No. It's just a little cold.

Ashely: Im serious. When you come back from the store come to my room.

Zoey: I know I'm not but fine.

Me and Dre got in the car and headed towards the Pharmacy. We walked in and went straight towards the medicine aisle. I Swear this boy don't know how to pick medicine. He went down the whole aisle and picked up everything. We spent $200 on damn medicine that I'm probably gonna use once.

Dre carried the bags in and put them in our room and started to play the game. I walk towards Ashely's room and knock on the door. A few seconds later I see a smiling Ashely open it.

Ashely: Hey boo.

Zoey: Hey.

She cut right to the chase and handed me a box I looked towards the bow and see First Response Pregnancy Test written in big blue letters. I sigh and walk towards her bathroom. I began to do the test and walk out of the bathroom with a nervous expression on my face.

Zoey: 1 More minute.

Ashely: Just know whatever happens was meant to be.

Zoey: What if I am though?

Ashely: You'll be the most wonderful mother, your great with kids, and we all know you want to adopt Kaden. Yeah we know.

I walk back in the bathroom, and pick up the test, I looked at it and saw POSITIVE. I'm pregnant. Me. Pregnant. For some odd reason I was somehow happy then I realized how Dre would react, and I begun to cry. Ashely came and comforted me and told me everything was gonna be all right. I get up and leave Ashley's room. I head towards the living room where the boys were playing the game.

Zoey: Dre.

Dre: Hold on one second baby.

Zoey: Dre.

Dre: Baby Hold on.


The game stop Roc And Jacob look towards me and Dre stares straight ahead.

Roc: What?

Zoey: Im pregnant. Ok. I just found out, and you can be mad at Dre cause it takes 2 to make a baby.

Roc gets up and leaves the room. I hear his car start and him driving away. Jacob gets up and come towards me.

Jacob: You know you like my sister, and I love you. But when Shawn hears this.... Mane.

Zoey: I know.

He hugs me and leaves the room.

I look towards Dre and he had a blank expression on his face.

Zoey: Hello?


Zoey: I see how it is. I guess I'll be taking care of this baby by myself.

Dre looks towards me and get up and walks towards me. He looks me straight in the eye and seconds later I see this big ass Kool aid smile on his face which caused me to smile as well. He picks me up and spins me around. I then pull him into a kiss while he places me down.

Dre: Im having a child.

Zoey: You mean WE are having a child.

Dre: I can't wait to see my little boy.

Zoey: What tells you it's gonna be a boy.

Dre: I have Senses Ma.


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