Problems among them

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Gayla had no choice but to say,"Mystic,y-you may help me."
Mystic smiled warmly. "Let's take you to a hospital,Gayla."
Hero knelt down so Gayla can be carried ,Mystic then takes Gayla into his arms,bridal style.

Moments later,
Mystic tells Gayla,"Gayla,I will take a break,we are almost there."He then puts her down carefully not hurting the child,she rests her head on a rock.

At night,Mystic and Gayla had to make a fire,since they will continue their journey on tomorrow. It was 9:33p.m.,Gayla told Mystic ,"Mystic I'm going to sleep. "Mystic responds,"Wait"(he moves her on a soft cushion and gives her his cape,from the cold)"Thank you,Mystic ."she said.Gayla gave Mystic a soft kiss in his cheek. He sleeps beside her,trying to protect her and her child,then turns of the fire.

Mystic's dream
(I saw Gayla being hold by other robots,taking her away from me.Mystic!she would scream, I tried to help her but I was defeated by the Lord.Gayla tried not to move from her pregnancy, I saw one of the robots was holding a knife near her.I was running towards Gayla,to save her but they .........suddenly stabed her stomach. Gayla! )

Mystic immediately woke up,he saw Gayla beside him."She is fine, im here for her.No one will take her away from me."

Gayla had woken up with a bit of pain in her lower stomach,Mystic then woke up."Gayla,we have to keep going along, we are almost there to the hospital. "

They both continued along,Gayla carried by Mystic on his arms.She was resting on him,triying to calm down the pain.Mystic was worried about Gayla,since she had the earl gemstone on her choker,plus the gemstone Gayla had is the most powerful gem to make anyone powerful in special words.

Three hours later
Mystic kept walking, Gayla was awake but barely could bare the pain.Mystic looks up to see a ship,it wasn't any ship,this ship of pure metal was Lord Tatzu's ship.He is looking ft the earl gemstone that Gayla has,he had a detector on the gem to keep track of it.

Mystic had to warn Gayla,"Gayla,im going to have to put you down.There is a lord looking for the gemstone you have,he can kill you.So I have to defeat him in order to get you to safety. "Gayla nods and Mystic puts her down.He sees her face with a few tears crying,"Gayla,you will survive, I promise you are going to have our child.I promise."He then hugs Gayla,then he gets onfront of her to protect her from Lord Tatzu.

The ship lands, they see Lord Tatzu,but he wasn't alone,he had an army of his robots.He stands at 8'0,red eyes,blue and black metal armour around him,a black cape,a machine gun,and his fist with blades.Mystic and Gayla are in big trouble, but Mystic had weaponry with him,amo as well.Lord Tatzu stares at Gayla with his red soulless eyes and talks in his deep voice."Well,I see you have my gemstone,there Gayla.In order to get the gem I must kill you and your child!Gayla starts to cry but Mystic responded, "First of all Tatzu,you will not kill her nor her child.You must first have to pass by me in order to take the gemstone!

Lord Tatzu then screams,"Attack!"Mystic runs towards the robots and sliced them with his sword, then shots a group of them.Gayla screamed,"Mystic!"a robot was holding her,Mystic turned immediately and headshoted the robot.Mystic told Gayla to walk to a corner to get to safety,luckly Gayla was able to walk to a safe place but she immediately looked up to see one of the machines onfront oh her holding a knife. Mystic shot the robot and Gayla was able to get to safety.Mystic had to kill an army of 100 robots of Lord Tatzu, he was now left with 14 of them.

Moments later Mystic was finishing the last group of machines,Gayla was worried of Mystic getting hurt,she was safe for now.Mystic saw Lord Tatzu behind Gayla,holding his gun.Mystic instantly told Gayla,"Gayla,behind you!"
Gayla turned around, she saw Lord Tatzu pointing the gun at her."This is your end Gayla!"
Mystic ran towards Gayla,he screamed.


(Gun shot)

To be continued.......

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