great day

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today is definitely a great day
The skies are gray
Every where dead bodies lay
Death emerges at bay
Words of torment I hear people say.
If you don't like it, stay away.
I know what you'll think, I know what you'll say, but my sadistic side says keep it this way.

Today truly is a great day.

(AN. I promise you I really don't want a bunch a dead bodies laying around:-) there is no life lesson in this so pliz don't turn into a crazy sadistic criminal, because if you do a crazy sadistic cop will put you in jail, then I'd just feel terrible. Now before you say something like, that troubled child. Or she must have been through a lot, I'll warn you, I'm not troubled and my life isn't that shitty, I watch a lot of of anime so I have an active imagination, wait, I can use this as my description!!! Thank you so much for judging me!!!

★*cheese is BO$$*★

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