Chapter 6

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"Scoot over" Alix swiped his hand away as if he was pushing me over to make a space for him to sit. Shortly after I scooted over closer to manny Alix stuck his legs out as far as he could and took a big chug of water, ending his swig with a satisfied "ahh" at the end.

"You comfy?" I giggled as everyone else slightly giggles along.

"Shut up, I'm exhausted!" He smirked and put his arm around me and looked straight into my eyes with his hypnotizing stare. Damn he's so hot.

Everyone on the bus gives there attention to the Tv as we all watch adventure time as if we're a big family of 12 year olds. Giggling to the stupid humor.

Every once and a while I'll feel a stare, not from manny. Not from Kevin. Nor any Steve, or any of the crew gang. But from Alix.

Every now and then, maybe once every 10 minutes he'll just look back at me. Almost as if I said something. But the looks he gives me are Either him giggling, and he's just watching me giggle too. Or it's the look that says "wow I kinda just want to look at you"

And I really like this feeling. The looks Alix is giving me is making me feel so happy. I honestly would date Alix any day. And I think he may be flirting with me.

After a few brief episodes of adventure time I decide to go to my bunk, "goodnight you guys!" I head for the bunks but then Alix stops me just to hug me. Aw.


I was watching adventure time not but 30 minutes ago and I now can't fall asleep due to Alix hugging me. Damn that boy is so cute and I hope he feels the same way.

That boy smells good. He smells like Hollister but better. Like Hollister models fresh out of the shower on a Sunday morning. Or it was just the smell of his very almond scented body wash? Hell yea.

My thought become slurry the more I fall into sleep. Alix smells great, wonder how he's sleeping? Where does he sleep? Can he sleep? Am I sleeping?


*bang* *Bang!*

Alix knocked loudly on the side of my bunk to get me out of bed, ending with me slamming my head on the top of our editors bunk who sleeps directly above me.

I open the curtain and give Alix a death stare. He stares back at me with a blank face, but then changes to a silly face as he goes "Wut" like he did nothing wrong. "Haha very funny" I punch his arm as I swing my legs over the bunk and jump out minding my head this time.

"How do you like your eggs?" Manny asks as he dances to "Dare" by the Gorrilaz. "I'm actually a cereal girl excuse you" I squint my eyes jokingly. "But eh I'm not too hungry, im gonna get this mess that I call hair all sorted out. Peace" I make my way into the bathroom and dig through my bright red tangles with my brush.

For once I'm admiring myself in the mirror. My rosy cheeks to my small nose and my big cheeks. My curvy body that contains my slightly bigger waist and an okay sized butt with a good amount of waist.

I love how I look today.

And because of that I make my way down bunk town and back to the couches where the rest of the band was. "You look really cute right now!" Alix smirks "thanks." I chill out and sit next to Alix as we watch a Sci Fi movies for the majority of the day.


"You want any, ally!?" Kevin erased my thoughts and coughs my attention by screaming.

Everyone else laughed, "want what?" In was genuinely very confused, everyone else giggles even louder.
"So bus nachos" Kevin continued to create his dish.

"w-what are those?" Manny, Kevin, Alix, and the crew gasped.

Manny stood up angrily and swung his arms to slap Kevin out of the way "what the hell man?" Kevin shields himself and laughter. "I wanna show her how to make it the right way" he explains himself.

Kevin sits back next to me and gives me a smirk that speaks and it says "he's crazy right?"

Manny caught my attention again as with everyone else. "So, bus nachos is where you take everything front the fridge to make nachos. You got the chips, the cheese." He pauses to come a little bit closer to me "And I. LOVE cheese." He makes his point apparent, ending in me and Kevin giggling. "You got the hot sauces, the salsa and you got the chicken. and first you heat up the good good chicken in the microwave and you leave it in there just don't touch it." He dials in a few numbers that he reads off the back of the microwave chicken package and continues in his cooking. But for me, I can't really pay attention as I'm paying too much attention to Alix's giggles.

As manny is having a wild time putting his salsa on the finished plate of nachos, I feel Kevin's arm wrap around my shoulders. I don't pay too much attention to it as I don't really mind. I just hope he's not trying to get anywhere crazy.

Manny hands me the marvelous plate of perfectly done bus nachos. Cheese melted perfectly over the chips and salsa is so nicely distributed amongst the plate as well as the hot sauce.

"Try a bite" everyone gathers in to see me reaction.

"Allys first bus nachos" Alix makes me giggle.

The single chips looks like everything is so very even and nice looking. What a great looking nacho.

I take a bite, then another. "Wow" I gasp as everyone acts relived.

"That's pretty dope." I like my fingers after I finish as much as I could.

"Can I have the rest?" Kevin so kindly asks From me with puppy dog eye.

"Yea sure dude" I hand over the plate and watch him dig into the plate like a dog.

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