Hansel and Gretel Deja Vu?!

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Ayaka: My Passionate Idol Activities! Rise! My Aikatsu Starts Now!

"Good Morning, Starlight! Just to give you guys an update on the Unit Cup so far. First place so far is Rhapsody, while following them are DeviGel. The potential units really are aiming ahead!" Madoka announced.

"Yay! Both of them are really good, huh?" I smiled.

"They are. But that won't get in our way, right Shizu?" Haru nudged.

"Of course! Ours won't lose to any of your units!" Shizuka declared.

"Let's see about that." Errissa smirked.

"Ai... Katsu! Ai... Katsu!" Gizmos jumped on the trampoline.

They did other things than that.

Jogged for at more than 10 laps
Jumped on hurdles.
And walked with a heavy weight tied behind them.

They both decided to take a break.

"Phew! That was some work, huh, Eri?" Chiyo panted.

"You said it. Let's go grab some donuts?" Errissa said.

"Sure." Chiyo gave a thumbs-up.

They both got the Gizmos-themed donut.

"Wow, Yotsuba-san really put on a great job on the donuts!" Errissa smiled.

"Ah, Gizmos-honeys!"

Johnny-sensei sat in between them from out of nowhere.

"Johnny-sensei! Ohayo guzaimasu!" They greeted.

"Very complex. And you're going for an adventurous theme yourself, right?" He asked.

"Yeah. Exactly. Why do you ask, Sensei?" Chiyo wondered.

"Oh! It's because you know, let your bold side outta you girls. And maybe I know just who could help you, yeah!" Johnny-sensei said as he danced like a pro he is.


"Hi, Gizmos! Nice to finally work with you!" She said as she gave both kisses on the cheek.


"Y-You're helping us?" Errissa stuttered.

"Yes! And we're going to the exact same setting as your story." Kaede said.

"Ooh! I think I know this one!" Chiyo said.

And they found themselves in a helicopter.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about! A parachute extreme!" Chiyo said.

"Seriously?" Errissa sweat-dropped.

"Come on, let's take a land to the forest!" Kaede said.




The three of them released their parachutes and landed safely down on the forest ground.

"Phew! We made it!" Errissa said.

So they walked through the forest, hoping for a place to at least pitch camp for the time being.

"We're acting like the actual Hansel and Gretel. Going through for adventure to their hearts' content." Chiyo sighed.

"You know what? In America, people say that in their forests, there might be peculiar creatures inhabiting the area." Kaede explained. "But I'm not sure wether to believe them."

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