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Another shirt hits Zayn in the face as his friend, Niall, digs through Zayn's closet.

"Where is he taking you again?"

"Le Bernardin." Niall tosses him an alternative button up which he rejects when he sees the ink stains on the cuff.

"Oh fancy, people ask for your hand in marriage at restaurants like that." He teases. Zayn can only scoff, pushing Niall out of the way to look in his own closet.

"We've only been dating for a year. I doubt he wants to ask me to marry him."

"Hey stranger things have happened. Plus you said that he had something important to tell you right?" Zayn nods because that was what Liam told him before he left earlier. He shrugs nonchalantly because now that he thinks about it, it could be true. He tries not to get his hopes up though. This important news could be anything.

"I don't know, but let's not get carried away yet." Niall drops the subject when he finds what he was looking for.

"Here we are, this is what you should wear." He presents Zayn with one of his own creations.

"You think I should wear something I designed?"

"Why not?" It is a great suit. He takes the clothes from Niall and heads to his bathroom to get ready for the date.


Zayn spies Liam sitting a table near the window. He heads over there, grinning when Liam locks eyes with him. Liam stands to pull Zayn's chair out and Zayn thanks him with a kiss. Liam sits back down drumming his fingers on the table.

He can tell that Liam is anxious about something, leading him to further believe that maybe Liam might propose. He shakes his head at the thought, best not to get carried away.

"So you had something to tell me?" Zayn asks after Liam doesn't start the conversation.

"Yes well..." Liam grabs Zayn's hand across the table, trying to ease his racing heart. "The thing is... I know we had plans for the summer, but I think we're going to have to reschedule." Liam can see that Zayn is upset, but he quickly turns his frown upside down.

"That's fine, I get it. I mean it seemed like a lot when you first mentioned it."

"It's not that I don't want to... I just have some family stuff to attend to." Zayn can respect that, he knows Liam is pretty far from home.

"Yeah that's perfectly fine. Go do what it is you need to do." Liam feels like Zayn isn't all that convinced. Liam stares at him with a wary eye, making Zayn nervous enough to retract his hand. "You're not doing anything bad are you?" Liam is about to deny it when Zayn is gasping and nearly shouting, "Please tell me you aren't married." Liam grabs a hold of both of Zayn's hands this time, making sure to lean in so others aren't bothered by their conversation.

"No, I'm not married." It only takes him a second to make up his mind. "However, there is something... I'm a prince." Zayn's jaw drops in surprise. He takes a long second to collect himself, and then he tightens his grip on their intertwined hands.

"You're joking." Liam shakes his head. "You're not joking... Oh God." Zayn feels like he's about to faint. He starts to hyperventilate, Liam rushing to his side to calm him down. "I can't believe it, you're a prince. You're a prince." Zayn repeats a bit manically. He's just so surprised.

"Please calm down, and yes I am. I know it's a lot to take in."

"A lot to take in? Of course it's a lot to take in. I thought I knew who you are, but it's like you're a whole other person."

"I'm still me, nothing's changed that. I still like pancakes and sleeping in and cuddling."

"Yeah and you also run a kingdom on the other side of the world. Is Liam Payne even your real name?" Liam is trying to soothe Zayn's troubled mind, but honestly sometimes his boyfriend can be too much.

"Yes it is, but there's a few more names attached to it: Liam James Payne William Henry Archibald IV." Zayn can only gawk at him. "Sorry, not really helping my case am I?" Zayn is just a bit overwhelmed. It's not every day he finds out his boyfriend is a prince.

"So let me get this straight. You are prince, the prince of what exactly?"

"Wolverhampton." Zayn nods, trying to process all of it. He takes a deep breathe, finally feeling calmer now that he knows this isn't some demented daydream.

"Wow, honestly I'm having a hard time taking this in. Are you sure you're still the same person."

"I assure you that my label has nothing to do with who I am. Please believe me." He thinks about what his mother said and he gets an idea. "Come home with me so you can see for yourself that even though I am the heir to the throne, I am still the same man you see before you today." His offer is unexpected, but Zayn would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued.

"You promise?"

"I swear on my family crest."


Niall and Zayn's mum stand on the curb as they see Zayn off for his trip with Liam.

"I still can't believe he's a prince." Niall whispers as Liam packs away the luggage.

"Me neither, but considering I'm about to visit the royal palace, I'm going to have to start believing it. " Zayn glances at Liam who smiles back in his direction. "You have to admit, he has that princely charm."

"Is that even a thing."

"Probably." Niall chuckles, holding Zayn to his chest again in one final hug.

"Have fun bud." Zayn hugs him back just as tight. He won't be seeing Niall for all of summer, this will be the longest time he won't be seeing his best friend on a regular basis. Heck this is the first time he's ever been out of the country. It's going to be tough for sure. Thankfully Liam will be right by his side.

Zayn steps away from Niall to look at his mum who, by the looks of it, is trying not to cry. Zayn can feel his own wave of tears coming. He's going to miss his mum too. He opens his arms and she flings herself at him, muttering things about him being her baby. Zayn tightens the hold; his mother is an emotional wreck (as if he's any better with how hard he's trying not to seem affected). When the hug ends, his mother tenderly kisses his forehead.

"Be safe baby, and please be on your best behavior. I love you." Her voice cracks with emotion. Zayn sniffles as he returns the endearment.

"Are you ready to go?" Liam questions once he closes the trunk. Zayn nods, finally turning away from his family. Liam gives his own goodbyes, hugging Niall and being smothered by Zayn's mum about watching over her little boy. Zayn can't complain, his mother always has his best interest at heart.

Liam opens the door of the taxi, letting Zayn slide in first. After they're settled, Liam rolls down the window so the couple can wave one last time as they drive toward the airport.

Royally Entitled- Ziam MayneWhere stories live. Discover now