2 - Love At First Sight (Lemon included)

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Song: Love Me like You Do, Ellie Goulding

Warning: Lemon alert!!!

Soundwaves P.O.V

Its been 3 Earth months since the birth of my first sparkling. She's been doing fine. She recharges in her crib in FlashBlooms and my berthroom. And let me tell you, this sparkling does not like to recharge. And thats a huge problem. I have things to do every morning. Every morning, I'm extremely tired. Megatron has noticed my sleepiness and sends me to my berthroom to recharge early. I been loving and hating it. I need to find Autobot secrets. But I want to recharge with my Sparkmate at the same time. Its more difficult to be a sire than I thought. Guess the internet isn't as good as it sounds. But having a daughter is worth it.

I walked into my berthroom and saw FireBloom wide online. She saw me enter the room and squeaked to catch my attention. Of course, I walked towards her and picked her up. She was absolutely beautiful. She developed more armor and her paintjob darkened. More small details were added to her too. Little jewels. Like her mother. She's basically a sparkling version of her mother. And sorta, she is. Since the first time I saw her and held her, I loved her. I loved her since FlashBloom told me she was carrying. I was so happy for the rest of the month when she told me.

I suddenly felt a tiny servo on my visor and smiled. FireBloom looked at me with a serious expression before smiling and giggling. I took off my visor and kissed her. I cooed her with kisses and played with her by running a finger under her chin to tickle her.

I heard the door open and turned to see FlashBloom walk in. She smiled and I returned the smile. She grabbed something and left me once again.

I put FireBloom in her crib after I noticed she fell into recharge. I layed down and tried going into recharge.


I got up from my seat and rushed towards the door that lead to backstage. I want to meet that gorgeous femme. I want to know her designation. I wonder what she'll think of me when I talk to her? I hope she'll like me. I certainly hope she's nothing like PurpleSky.

PurpleSky was a beautiful femme who I asked out to court once. She rejected me and embarrassed me infront of everybot around us. I became a laughing stock for almost a year. She called me desperate and gross. She even lied saying I tried to intercourse with her forcefully the night before. And of course, like loyal servants, the others agreed. I was avoided and glared at everytime somebot saw or came near me. It was humiliating. After that, I didn't have a crush on her anymore. Infact, I hate her with all my spark. When I have the chance to talk to her again, I swear to primus Im going to humiliate her so bad, she'll be crying for hours on end. She'll finally understand what it feels like to be sad and angry.

Once I made it past the doors to backstage, I saw about five femme's touching themselves up and blabbering about something not important to me. Once they saw me starring at them, they turned all flirty and mushy. They walked up to me as sexual as possible and rubbed themselves against me. I blushed at they're closeness and presence.

"Hello Soundwave." One of the femme's said. Trying to sound sexy. And so far, she was succeeding at the all "im hot" voice thing.

"You know, we have some time before our next performance. We could spend the time taking you on a trip of a lifetime." Another femme said. One femme got a little to close to my interface plate. I tensed at the familiar tight feeling.
I then saw "her" walk out of a door with a red sign that said exit. I shook my helm before leaving them behind. They all pouted and went back to what they were doing.

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