A Blob, Sex, And Destruction.

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A man, Caucasian dark haired, light eyes wakes in a cold sweat as a crash is heard outside in the alley. He puts on his clothing, an old grey, tattered jersey and some faded blue jeans. He grabs his sons baseball bat, lying just next to the door and walks slowly out the door, going down a few steps and turning towards the alley. He launches himself against the wall as he hears footsteps and indistinct voices approaching from the alley. He grips the bat tightly making his knuckles go a pale white.

The voices are closer now. Very close. The man can start hearing three distinctly different voices. One a high voiced female, one a slightly high pitched male and another an exceedingly deep male. They pass him not seeing him, laughing among themselves. The man lessens his grip on the bat and slumps it down by his knees, exhaling deeply. He peers around the corner and sees something glowing from the silverish-grey trash can. He walks slowly, cautiously toward it while it rattles and shakes as he gets nearer. Hes about ten steps away now and finds a brick on the ground. He grabs the brick, tosses it up a few times and then throws it at the trash can, knocking it over. The lid, buckled and warped lay next to the dented trash can.

As he looks into the trash can a green ooze floods out, the smell of decomposition riddles the air and knocks him on his backside as he clutches his nose. The ooze seeps out onto the tar inside the alley, turning it to nothing but a smell, adding to the already foul smell coming from the ooze. Its glowing a sickly green colour and bubbling slowly as it sinks into the ground leaving a warped circle shaped hole in the floor of the alley. The man looks deep into the hole as the creature descends still glowing brightly.

Roughly an hour has passed and the man is back in his home, in bed, trying to forget what he's just seen.

As he sleeps, he tosses and turns and throws all the covers off the bed and wakes in a cold sweat yet again. He hears a soft, sexual giggle from the corner of his room, a beautiful woman walks into the light. She says to the man "hello my love"

The man is stunned by her beauty and stutters a hello.

"Don't you remember me?" says the woman with a frown

The man shakes his head.

The woman looks at the ground. Then throws her head up, flicking her hair and looks at him.

"maybe this will jog your memory" The woman walks over to the man, barefoot, walking on her toes and clutches his chest and kisses him passionately.

"Anything?" Asks the woman

The man shakes his head yet again. The woman conjures another idea. She pushes him onto the bed by his chest and sits on him, legs on either side of his waist and kisses him again as she moves his hands onto the inside of her thighs the man caresses her thighs softly as the woman starts taking off her clothes.

The goo once seen before has taken a mind of its own and its destroying the underground subway system, dissolving trains and railways as people scream and run for their lives.

In the apartment, the blonde woman lets out a pleasured moan and rests her head on the mans dark haired chest, panting.

"Do you remember now?" Says the woman, short for breath

The man shakes his head again


The man looks at the woman and says "I do not remember you, but i feel as if I've known you before, that we had something, something strong, something physical and emotional i feel as if we had a great connection and there was talk of love, but i remember nothing, I'm sorry" the man sits up and looks at the ground tearfully

"I'm gonna do everything i can to get you back" says the woman with determination and kisses the man, puts her clothes on and sits with the man, holding his hand and resting her head on his shoulder

A few hours pass as they sleep, the woman lying on the bottom half of the bed, the man tucked up beside her. The man wakes to the sound of sirens in the distance. He looks out the window and sees all the destruction the blob has caused to the city and he wakes the woman and they both leave out the door. They follow the smell to an enormous crater in the middle of the city where the blob resides now ten times the size it was before. the man lightly pushes the woman aside as he stares into the hole, looking right at the sickly green blob. The woman stands next to him. They share a gaze for a moment but it's interrupted by a low, ground shaking rumble, it gets more intense and the woman extends her arm for the man to grab a hold of, but he couldn't react fast enough and the woman falls into the blob but she has the time as shes burning to scream

"I LOVE YOU!!!" but the woman sinks into the blob with her arm outstretched.

The man looks into the hole, mouth open, arm stretched, tears rolling down his red cheeks. The blob roars an ugly roar as the man looks up angrily and sprints to his apartment, grabs his jacket, phone, keys and lighter and rushes out the door and slams it behind him. He grabs the silver door handle of his black car and drives furiously out of the city to the closest gas station and fills up three bright red tanks of gasoline and his car and mounts a holding bracket to the front of his car. He places the tanks into the bracket, they fit tightly into their holds. He drive back to the city and lines up his car with the crater the blob has caused and gets out of his car, pulls one of the tanks off the bracket, pours half of the yellow-ish liquid onto the front of the car and over the rest of the tanks and flicks his lighter and throws it onto the windshield, jumps in his car, grabs the steering wheel tightly and plummets his foot onto the gas pedal. He lunges at the blob with the car, still alight, and crashes into the blob and the man screams


A few seconds pass and the car explodes, engulfing the blob in flames, the blob screeches as it dies, the man is nowhere to be found, the blob shrivels up into nothing but a smell.

Light peirces through horizontal slits a blurred image of blue curtains appear, there is someone holding my hand. i look down it was her, the blonde woman. She sees me and says

"they said you would never wake up"



I hope you all enjoyed, this is my first story, i dont think it went too well, but i guess we'll see ;)

this took alot of time to write, i went through countless Drafts but i think i got it right, thanks for reading :D

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