Chapter One: Meet Ryoo!

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Yippee a Naruto fanfic about my all time favourite emo...SASUKE UCHIHA!

Whoop whoop!

Each chapter will include a picture and video tribute to Sasuke Uchiha which will be at the side obviously!

I will make the chapters as best as I can, now that's a promise!

Enjoy da chapter ahead of you!


 What if Sasuke had a Second Brother?

 Chapter 1

"Nii-san!" a five year old boy yelled whilst running towards his big brother. His little feet pelted against the hard stone path of many different shades of brown. His short brown almost black hair flowed in the wind and his piercing blue eyes shown with happiness. Suddenly the little boy lost his footing and fell to the ground with a bang. The little boys' older brothers' eyes immediately darted towards him. He then immediately bolted towards his crying little brother.

"Ryoo otouto(little brother)." Ryoo's eldest brother, who was 12, yelled in a concerned tone.

"Itachi nii-san." the Ryoo stammered through tears.

"Ryoo, are you ok?" Itachi asked his little brother very worriedly and put him back on his feet. "Be more careful, ok." Itachi continued with an almost angry tone of voice although he still seeming very worried.

Ryoo wiped away the wet salty tears streaming from his eyes and down onto his cheeks. "I'm sorry nii-san." he apologised to Itachi for no particular reason.

Itachi's jet black eyes softened "You don't need to be sorry." he replied with a smile and picked his little brother up. "What was it you wanted me for anyway?" Itachi curiously asked Ryoo as he examined his little brother for bruises, bumps or any other sort of injury. "You wanted me to play with you again, didn't you?" Itachi guessed correctly with his eyes still soft.

Ryoo nodded once cutely "Uh huh. Will you play with me Nii-san?" Ryoo questioned Itachi with a expression that clearly stated 'Please...if you don't I'll tell mum.'

"Of course, Ryoo. Do you want to play fire phoenix?" Itachi once again guessed correctly. Ryoo nodded frantically. "I'll put you on my back then." Itachi smirked happily. He carefully placed Ryoo on his shoulders "Hold on tightly now. We don't want this phoenix to lose it's steady but fast flight now do we?" Itachi asked an obvious question.

"Nu uh." Ryoo replied to his big brother sweetly. Suddenly Itachi started running around, and a shocked Ryoo put his arms out as though they were the fiery wings of the phoenix. "Weeeeee!" Ryoo yelled with laughter and happiness sounding in his voice.

"Itachi-sama!" a little boy slightly older looking than Ryoo yelled "Dad wants to talk to you about some ninja stuff and I think some clan business too! I think you should go!" the black blue-ish heard boy yelled to Itachi who also his elder brother.

Itachi stopped and turned to the little boy wearing a black top that covered most of his neck and white shorts. He then yelled back "Ok Sasuke." Itachi lifted Ryoo from his broad shoulders.

"Why can't we play more?" a disappointed Ryoo questioned sadly.

"I' have some clan business to take care of, I'll play with you some more tomorrow maybe ok, Ryoo." Itachi explained simply and ran off to find his father. Ryoo sat on the ground firmly, he was in a mood and Sasuke could tell. Sasuke walked over to his little brother with a smile.

"You shouldn't be in a bad mood," Sasuke started to which Ryoo crossed his arms. "Itachi-sama is busy, but I'll play with you." Ryoo huffed and thought for a moment, better playing with Sasuke than not playing at all, right? 

"But Sasuke you're boring and you can't give me a fire phoenix ride because you're not as strong as Itachi nii-san." Ryoo replied annoyed. It seemed that only Itachi would do. Sasuke stood in silence for a moment thinking of what he could say to his demanding little brother.

"Sure, I can't give you a fire phoenix ride, but I can give you candy." perfect comeback! Sasuke then thought to his self I think that worked well. Suddenly Ryoo's head shot up and he leaped to his feet. He sure likes his candy. Sasuke thought to his self.

"Candy? Candy!" Ryoo screamed with joy. He suddenly shot into Sasuke and hugged him with his small arms. "You're the best brother ever!" Ryoo yelled. "Now, where's my candy?" Ryoo stopped hugging Sasuke and stood with his arms on his hips with a smile. Sasuke laughed. "I'll go get you it now." he replied. Ryoo nodded happily and took hold of Sasuke's hand as they both walked to the kitchen they over heard Itachi planning something in his room, no one was in there but him. Why was he talking to his self and what was he saying? Sasuke told Ryoo to go straight to the kitchen and wait on him, Ryoo obeyed him and strolled into the kitchen. 

Sasuke then put his ear near the open door and listened closely to every word Itachi said. Then that was when he heard the last words of Itachi's plot "To test my strength, I will slaughter my cla-" the last three words had Sasuke shaking with fear. Itachi had more to say but Sasuke didn't hear it he didn't want to hear it. He ran to the kitchen where his little brother was. He quickly got the candy for his brother; trying to act like he hadn't heard anything Itachi said. Once Sasuke gave the candy to Ryoo he quickly ran up stairs and tried his hardest to forget what he had heard.

But could he? Could he really forget something so serious?....


Sooooooo...guys(and girls) what did you think? Tell me in the comments! Also vote and fan too(I only have one fan *sad face*)

Soooooooo yeah hope you liked/enjoyed it!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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