Chapter One

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I look at myself in the mirror, my hair was no longer brown but blonde, my tomboy clothes are now Prada and Coach. I didn't recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror! I look like a totally different person, the type of woman that I have never wanted to be. You know the type that was always obsessed with her looks more than anything! That is the kind of woman I look like, that was the woman staring back at me and not because I wanted to. No, I would never become this person by choice! I had to, it was part of the case.

And I would do anything to catch my big break. I just want to make my father proud and follow in his footsteps. This case could be the break I've been looking for my entire career. I just have to stay undercover while trying to take down the most dangerous family in America! I can't blow this at all.

"Detective Wentz!" A voice echoed from behind. It was my boss, Sergeant Spears!

"Yes Sir!" I smiled.

He eyed me up and down as he raised his eyebrow. "You sure you can get the break we need to finally take down the Kingsmen family?" He asked.

"Yes. I'm sure! I mean no man can avoid a beautiful woman. I just have to work off my assets and I'm sure I can wisely move my way into the family." I said confidently.

"I hope this work because if it doesn't Wentz! Its both of our jobs on the line." He answered.

"It will." I assured.

"Just remember, don't fall for anyone." He demanded.

"Not a chance in hell, scum is not my taste." I responded.

"Good girl!" He nodded his head.


I walk around the party in my Givenchy dress, my hair curled and a glass of champagne in my hand searching for one of the Kingsmen boys but to my luck not one was in sight. I walk over to the bar taking a seat feeling sightly hopeless. Its been hours and not one Kingmen is in sight, this was a little harder than I thought.

"Hey pretty girl!" A slick talking dough boy took a seat next to me.

Definitely not a Kingsmen!

"Hi!" I forced a smile onto my face as I took a sip of my champagne.

"You know I've been looking at you all night long and I can't figure out why such a beautiful woman such as yourself is alone. A beautiful woman like you should always be accompanied by someone." He explained.

"I'm actually waiting for someone." I answered.

"Over 2 hours! It seems like that someone isn't coming. So why don't I keep you company." He responded.

"No thanks I'm alright, but thanks for offering." I mumbled.

He placed his hand on mine as a sinister smile appeared on his sweaty face. "Come on! I can show you a good time." He winked.

"No. I'm good." I said looking away.

"Don't be such a bitch." He quietly shouted.

All of a sudden an arm wrap around my shoulder and a sweet scent made it's way up my nose, my heart was pounding so loud I could hear it. Literally! I look and there stood Jordan Kingsmen.

"Did I just hear you call my girlfriend a bitch, Stallin." His voice, cold and sinister.

"I'm sorry, Jordan...I...I didn't...know she was with you." Stallin stuttered.

"Now you know! So walk away." Jordan made a gesture with his head and Stallin ran away.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem. I know how annoying that guy can be. I was just helping out a dasmel in distress." He smirked.

"Its very much appreciated." I look down at my watch. "Well, I have to go now but thanks again." I got up from my seat about to walk away when suddenly he grabbed my arm.

Chills immediately travelled down my spine and my heart once again began pounding deeply. I don't know if it was his touch or my nerves but there was something there. I just couldn't figure out what it was.

"I didn't catch your name." He replied.

"That's because I didn't give it to you." I whispered.

He shot me a look that would make any woman's heart melt. He wasn't used to any girl playing hard to get. But I didn't want to make it easy for him, I didn't want him to get disinterested fast. I wanted to slowly make him work for me.

"Its Millie Carr." I mumbled as I slipped out of his grip.

"When can I see you again, Millie?" He shouted behind me.

"Who knows!" I turn and shot him a final smile before disappearing into the crowd.

I got in my car and took a deep breath. I can't believe I pulled that off. Even if it wasn't much, I had a Kingsmen in my grip. Hopefully, I made a big enough impact on him that keeps him coming back for more.

I just have to remember one thing....

No strings attached.

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