Chapter Four.

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We sit at a crowded table in iHOP. Mother ordered pancakes covered in syrup, Henry ordered waffles covered in syrup and I ordered a plate of fries. I'm not in the mood to eat that much so I silently pick at my fries ignoring my mothers complaints over her cold pancakes.
"Shall we go get your things now Olive?" Henry smiles, taking my hand in his. I nod and mother pulls out a few dollar bills before chucking them onto a plate left by the waiter.

The drive to the shops is short, iHOP is only a ten minute walk from the shopping mall and it takes us less than that in Henry's car.
"Olivia, I don't want to create a scene right now, but as your mother I am banning you from any parties!" Mother snaps, lifting up a pair of black and white plaid pants and putting them against my legs.
"Mother" I sigh. "I can go to wherever I want, I am almost 18. It's not like I'm not sensible"
She puts the pants into her basket, deciding that I am having them wether I like it or not.
"Henry isn't too happy that you stayed the night in another mans bed either" Mother growls, I turn to face Henry and he gives me a small smile before looking at his shoes.
"Is this true?" I ask, he doesn't answer me and shifts position awkwardly, keeping his attention on the floor the whole time.
I roll my eyes and head to the check out. What is it with these people controlling me like I have no say in anything, even if I had stayed in another mans bed, it would be my choice not my mothers and she HAS to stop controlling me.

My phone begins to vibrate in my pocket and I quickly take it out.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey Liv, it's Zayn. Theres another party tonight, are you coming?"
I'd almost forgot that Zayn had my number. I found it quite creepy that he had gone through my phone to get it, but what could I do?
"No, sorry it's just not my ideal place" I laugh, I empty my bags onto the bed and begin to unpack everything I had bought today. I hang up a calendar I had purchased onto a nail and place a few of the cushions and blankets onto my bed.
I wanted this place to feel like home and what better way to do that than making it homely. I place a few photos of me and Henry up on my drawers and I begin to unpack my suitcase.
"Oh alright okay" Zayn replies, he sounds let down and my heart aches but I need to stand my ground on this one. I have a big day tomorrow and honestly after today's events I have no energy to go to a party. I need to read through my notes and plan for tomorrow before getting a shower and having an early night. We say our goodbyes before I hang up. Henry had walked me to my dorm room and although I was very annoyed with him, I had kissed him goodbye. I was becoming to get sick and tired of being controlled and told what to and not to do by those who supposedly cared for me. It was tiring. I wanted to make my own choices for once and if they fucked up, them that was my problem and down to me.
I continue to rearrange my room, adding all the newly bought purchases into it. Jazz's side is covered in quotes from what sounds like gothic songs and her clothes are strewn all over her bed.
My side of the room looks so much better already and I am quite relived that I have gotten over the feeling of missing home, and honestly after my mother showing up today I really don't miss home or her controlling me one bit.
I take my shower and rake through my planner. My first class is Philosophy starting at 10 o'clock so if I set my alarm and woke up for 7 o'clock I could get ready within a positive time range so that I wasn't rushing and I could also grab a coffee AND make it to my class 15 minutes early. I suddenly felt so much more relieved, I quickly dried my hair but my phone on charge and fell fast asleep. Brown curls and green eyes yet again filling my dreams. 

My alarm sounding wakes me up and I look over at Jazz's bed. She's laid fast asleep and I wonder if she is even going to attempt to wake up and attend her classes. The thought of missing classes on the first day makes me shiver and I momentarily think about waking her up just to ask her about her classes but I didn't know if she started later or not and I also didn't know what time she came in this morning after attending that party. Where Harry and Lexie were my subconscious mocks. I don't care about them being together, but I find it very irresponsible to be sleeping around and then bragging about it to friends.

I pull on my black leather trousers and white shirt. I need to purchase some heels but I haven't had the chance, so I wear my converse and head to the coffee shop, purchasing my favourite drink: a caramel mocha chocha. It is caramel in a frappuccino with chocolate syrup and sprinkles. Delicious.
I'm surprised to find my philosophy class so easily and I open the door expecting to be the only one so early.
My eyes adjust on the brown haired boy sat in the front row with a frappuccino cup beside him.
"Hello" He smiles warmly, standing up to hug me, I return the affectionate gesture and sit beside him.
"I'm Liam"
"I'm Olivia" I smile back, placing my cup on the desk before taking out my journal.
"Apparently the philosophy teacher is very young" Liam says and I find myself trying to picture a young teacher, but I find it impossible.
"How old do you think she'll be?" I ask, writing out my name on the front of my book.
"She? Oh no Olivia it's a he" Liam laughs again and I shake my head. I like him very much, he is friendly and very pleasant company to have around.

The class begins to fill and suddenly most of the seats are taken up. I'm about to whisper to Liam how lucky I am, that nobody has sat next to him or myself until the chair next to me is pulled back and somebody sits next to me. I turn to introduce myself suddenly catching sight of Harry.
"Ugh" I roll my eyes and turn the other way. Liam looks beside me and shrugs his shoulders.
The philosophy teacher enters and Liam was correct, he does look very young only a couple of years older than us I would have said.
"Hello everyone, my names Nicholas Harvey. You can call me either" Mr. Harvey smiles.
"For today's assignment you will be writing in your journals about your idea of cheating"
I rub my forehead and stare down blankly at the pages beneath me. I look over at Liam's book and he's nearly wrote two pages within five minutes, Harry's is the same. Because he is a cheat, my subconscious mocks. I, on the other hand, have never cheated and have never been cheated on.
"If you are struggling on what to write, just remember it doesn't have to be about you. It can be about friends, family, past or present relationships, even about characters in one of your favourite books" Mr. Harvey calls, I don't have to look up to know he is talking directly at me, he has to be, I'm the only one who hasn't started.

I think about my favourite book 'Torn apart' it's about an eighteen year old woman called Tabitha Jones who after being controlled by her mother since she was born, finally moves away and meets a man called Christian Baxter, he promises her the world and much more, yet he cheats on her and constantly lies to her and ultimately breaks her heart. She is torn between Christian and her life long friend Toby Evans, Tony has never hurt her and could give her the world. He leaves his wife for Tabitha however she ends up with Christian in the end and although he does hurt her terribly, they end up getting married and having three children. By the time I've finished, I have spilled out my thoughts onto the pages, filling four. I shut my book and look over at Liam, he is still writing and I don't even attempt to look at Harry, I don't care about him.

"Livvv" Harry whines, I've been ignoring him for a full ten minutes, only five more to go until the end of the lesson and I mentally groan. I can't deny the way my name rolls off of his tongue is sexy as fuck.

"What?" I snap, Liam gives me a sympathetic look, has something happened between them?

"Look, let me prove that I'm not an asshole, let me take you out" Harry whispers.

"I have a boyfriend, no!" I whisper.

"You slept next to Zayn and you have a boyfriend" He snaps back.

"Fine" I sigh, rolling my eyes. "But this isn't a date"

"Fuck no!" Harry laughs. "I don't date"

(Picture is of who I picture Henry as looking like - and yes it is Ariana Grande's ex, Jai Brooks)

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