5.new world

30 4 1

Britney prov

Well it has been a week since I started living with Zach and nevah and I love it here but I have not really left the house yet so I am going to explore the neighborhood and the area around the house today. When I got downstairs navah was eating breakfast so I decided to start up a conversation.
B: good morning, how are you?
N: good where are you going this morning?
B: to check out the neighborhood do you want to come with me
N: sure I can show you my favorite place
B: what's you're favorite place? I asked her curiously.
N: It's a suprise but It helps calm me down when I'm not in my good thoughts you know?

I can totally relate to her. Brittney thought to her self.
B: Yea I definitely know.
N: It's gonna rain soon, so let's get there as fast as we can, also instead of walking do you want to ride bikes to get there faster?
B: well it would get us around faster so yes .
N: okay let me just go put on a pair of leggings and then we can go.
Okay I am going to go grab a hoodie to be on the safe side

About 20 minutes later
We got to the woods and navah was taking me to her favorite place it is a abandoned train station and the tracks look amzing we had an amazing day together and we bonded it turns out we like alot of the same stuff and we are about the same age I am 18 and she is 17 so we get along really well.
N: so will you be going back to school this year
B: ya but I don't know the schools around here to sign up yet, and I don't know how to do the paperwork
N: well you can sign up for my school so u can help you around plus Zach can help you with the paperwork.
B: ya I should ask him.
So are there any cute guys at your school?
N: ya I really like this guy but he probably doesn't even know I exist
B: well no boy really knows I exist ether so I guess we have that in common too
N: but you pretty guys should be chasing you
B: no you are prettier than me
N: how about this we are both pretty and you like my brother
B: wait, what no I don't
N: come on it is so easy to tell how you look at him, your face lights up, and how you bite your lip when ever your near him especially when you two talk
B: wait how did you know I did that when I like a guy
N: It's what most girls do but you have even more that I am not sure about
B: like what
N: well when you wear Jean and you talk to him you put you thumb in your front pocket and you smile
B: ya I do that when I like a guy and yes I like your brother but don't tell him he will just find Me weird plus he could never like me in that way he is just trying to help me out
N: he has a girlfriend but he looks at you the same way you look at him I think he is just using her for sex he is kind of a man whore
B: well I don't think I want a man whore so I guess I have to move on
N: well he was not always a man whore but when he lost his v card all his friends dared him to fuck some senior girl and he has been fucking girls since
B: well okay, well seance we are on this topic are you a vergin
N: well I am not but I wish I would have kept it what about you
B: l am a vergin but there was a close call once
N: what happened
B: I am not ready to talk about it yet
N: something bad happened to you didn't it
B: yes but more then once did something bad happen to me and one of them is why my mother kicked me out
N: well when you need someone to talk to I am right here ready to listen and Zach would b listen to
B: no please don't tell him

N: why do you not trust him or something
B: no it's not that I don't trust him I just don't like guys knowing with out knowing the full strut and I can't talk about it yet
N: well okay then but if you need to talk I am still always here
B: okay when I ready I will but I think we should head home now it looks lie it's about to rain
Well Brittany was right it was about to rain and they got caught in it. When they got home Zach was up and he was not very happy that they were all wet but he did like how Brittany looked it made hime want her even more.
Z: why the fuck are you socked navah and where is Brittany
N: behind me calm down I was showing her something in the woods and it started to rain so we biked back here but we did not mack it on time
B: sorry Zach it was my fault we where talking alot and I did not notice the sky
Z: it is fine but you look like you are freezing both of you go lay down and I will come and bring you some tea to warm you up so you don't get sick
N: okay but when you come with my tea I need you to look at something in my closet (navah level to do what Zach said)
Z: okay go upstairs I will be there soon
B: if you don't mind I'd like to stay down here for a while instead I just don't like people waiting on me and I don't want to be a burden
Z: you would not be a burden but if you insist on staying down here I'm still going to bring you some tea so you get warmed up. do you want me to bring you some clothes so you can change so you're not freezing
B: now I can go get them and then I'll come back down that way I can just change quickly
Z: okay well I'm going to check on navah
B: okay see you soon
N: I am worried about her were talking in the woods and I found out some things
Z: like what and why are you worried
N: well we were talk about school and then we started talking about guys and came up that she liked you. I told her you where a man hore and that she would not like you case she is still a vergin
Z: wate she likes me back
N: yes but can I get back to what I was telling you
Z: yes
N: good well so I asked her if there were any close calls and she said yes but she was like I can't talk about it and said she was ready yet and there were two times she is not ready to talk about. So talked to her but don't tell her I told you and help her sing up for school
Z: okay I will but you better still be a vergin or I will find out who he was and have fun beating his ass
N: I am still so you don't have to beat anyone's ass
Z: good now get some rest because you go back to school tomorrow and then you only have 2 weeks tell Christmas brack. I am going to go and talk to brit about school
N: wate why did you just call her brit
Z: cause I can't call her Bæ I all ready have one even though I want her
N: I don't need to know that you want to do my friend
Z: that the thing I do want to do her u want her to be mine and I don't only want it to be about sex it is like she is changing Me and I kind of scares me but I really like her
H: well if you hurt her I will hurt you she has no one right now I don't know the hole story but I know she is a bad place and I don't want see her get hurt especially by you
Z: I promise you I will not hurt her i am going to go talk to her about school so she can go when you go back so she has a friend once we get her singed up take her to get school stuff and I will give you my credit card to pay for it
N: okay go talk to her so I can take her soon "ya we get to shopping together"

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