You Wouldn't Steal a Meme//NSFW

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Jeb sat cross-legged on the floor, flipping through an auto parts catalog while Donald played his guitar, just like how he did for the ladies. It had been three days since the Shrek incident, and Jeb was only beginning to recover.
Donald suddenly stopped playing. "Are you okay, Jeb? You've been quiet."
Jeb's eyes nervously darted to the desk drawer where he knew Donald kept his memes. Shrek had been sending him hate mail for days, urging him to steal the memes. The last letter had contained half of a dead hedgehog and a note that said YOU GOTTA GO FAST. Jeb was getting steadily more upset.
"I--I'm okay," he stuttered, but couldn't meet Donald's murky diarrhea-hazel eyes.
"Jeb," Donald said soothingly, sliding off the bed to sit beside his boyfriend.
"I--I..." Jeb burst into tears.
"Oh, baby," Donald whispered, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Shrek Pewdiepie has been blackmailing me. If I don't steal your memes, he's gonna tell my whole family how my mom caught Dank Memeitis™ just because of my secondhand Memeing. I'm so ashamed," he sobbed.
Donald leaned his head on Jeb's shoulder. "It doesn't matter if your bad decisions killed your mom, Jeb. You'll always be my little governor. You're beautiful, baby, and there's nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you. I'll give you my memes to give to Shrek Pewdiepie. You can say you stole them.
"You've sacrificed so much for me," Jeb said, looking up with tears in his eyes.
"It's because I love you."
Jeb leaned in close. Donald could see every flake of dandruff in his eyebrows. He cupped Donalds face and kissed him gently.

Two hours later, Jeb's face was covered in saliva and he definitely had chlamydia, but that wasn't important. What was important was that he had the memes, Donald loved him, he was going to art school, and Shrek Pewdiepie could go fuck himself.
Suddenly, his phone rang.
"Rollin around at the speed of sound, super sanik racing---"
Jeb answered it. He was on his way home, it was dark out, and he didn't want anyone hearing his ringtone.
"Did you get me the memes?" Shrek growled menacingly.
"You bet your sweet ass I did. When do you want them?"
There was a long silence from the other end, until Shrek said "Turn around."
Jeb's heart dropped. (He wished his balls would do the same)
"Hey there, Fuckface," Rubio said.
"What are you doing here?!" Jeb screeched.
"I'm Shrek's proxy. I'm here to pick up the memes."
"How long have you been following me?" Jeb said uneasily.
"Since Donald's house," Rubio grinned. "I know everything."
"Please don't tell my dad!" Jeb cried.
"I won't tell your dad as long as you do exactly as I say..."
Rubio took another step closer. Jeb stepped back. Rubio lunged forward and pinned Jeb to the ground.
"You're in big trouble," he grinned.


Jeb Bush x Donald Trump highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now