Beginning Part 1

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           When I woke up I could tell that something was different. Was it someone's birthday? My dad's? I couldn't think, I just wanted to sleep but couldn't. I got up. Getting dressed I heard a my dad saying, "Princess are you ready to run? I'm not getting any younger down here, nor healthier." Thinking of Rapunzel I sped down the steps.

Heading for the kitchen where I seen my dad peeping from the counter top. "What" I asked. He looked around, " Good morning darling, guess what?!", he practically yelled. Turning my head, it met the unspeakable. A backpack. "Dad no I can't!", I started for the stairs. Before I could turn, he throw a pillow at me. Now I know why he was peeping. He was ready. He knew I would rebel against going.  

Walking down a path to my car, I looked at Dad. "Why my car?", I asked in a whispered/yell. He began to look down, as if thinking if there was a way out but couldn't because it needed to be said. "You have a twin." "What", I asked laughing keeping my eyes on my window. "A twin sister, she lives 45 minutes away and goes to your school, I don't know her name or what she looks like but I figured, like you", he started to smile but immediately turned the smile into a grin. Looking at him now, with a serious pissed face, I started to yell, "What the he-". "Son, I just found out this morning by your mother, please don't make this difficult for me and get in the damn car." I got in but not going to school. "I'm coming with you. To make sure you go." I started to stare. Breaking it, he climbed in. I followed.

"Mother, I have a mother?" I thought.

Since I was little it was my dad and me. He told me the truth when and why she left us. I was 5 so I didn't really understand, but I did at the same. It felt like she was leaving us one day at a time. Days went to hours. Hours went to minutes. Minutes to a "Have a good day." To 5 or less minute phone calls talking only about school. To a couple of texts every year on my birthday saying, "Happy Birthday Baby" and "Soon". That was it. I was always pissed at her when she did this, texting me on my birthday. But I still liked it, it was a knowing she still knows and cares about me. I never reply though. 


We drove for 45 minutes. What a coincidence. "Great you work here too?", I asked annoyed. "Vice Principle." he said already walking away, "Don't get in trouble today, I'm busy!". I smirked. 

Heading for the office to get my schedule I got knocked to the floor. "Hey freshman, ain't am I going to have some fun this year."  Seeing that he was shorter than me and looked younger too, I began to stand being 5 inches taller and few inches from his face, I grabbed hid shirt collar so he couldn't run away "I'm a senior here bud." Before I let him go I winked. He looked at me with such a seductive smirk. I felt different. I dropped him to the floor when I realized someone was hitting me. Still having him in my grip."Let go of him, he's my boyfriend not yours!", a girl screaming at me looking at me with a great angry force. "I'm not gay", I said in my calmest voice. "You sure honey, because from what I can see down there I think you are?", the girl started to laugh. I looked at the boy who was now my height, I must have been on my tip toes. Thanks mom, I thought. "I'm not gay." I began to walk away heading to my original destination.  "Hey, new kid there's a party at my house!" I yelled back, "Give me your address so I know where NOT to go!" I turned away but before I did I flipped him off, so he knew what sarcasm was. 

~History Class~

I walked in looking down, so I knew nobody was staring at me. Plus, I was trying to calm down. I really did have a boner. "Am I gay?", I thought in my mind. "Hey again." I looked up surprised. "Aren't you a little bit young to be in this class?", I gave him my  best evil smirk. "I'm a senior, and 17.", he said annoyed. Not realizing my hands on his desk, I looked into his eyes deeply. A more blueish hazel. He started to smile. I got pissed. "Don't touch my dick!", I screamed. Everyone went quiet, but him. "Dude you need to chill, I'm not touching you. Unlike you I like pussy.", he gave his most evil but most sexy smirk. I looked down, still pissed and embarrassed . I went to the back of the class to gather myself. Fuck school. I really need to calm down and fast.

~Couple hours later---Lunch~

Pulling out my phone, I received a text. Who did I text today, before coming to school?

Hey you lost?- Unknown

Who is this?

Meet me at the baseball fields, behind the bleachers. ;)- Unknown

Clicking off my phone and turning directions. Immediately thought, God damn it was the douche-dag. I looked back. I saw him, and he was staring. I looked back to see if my eyes weren't messing around with me, but he wasn't there. "Who was it." I started to think about the unknown texter . Heading out the double doors I was blocked. "Where do you think you're going?", he said while smirking dangerously. "Going to meet a friend, now get out of my way.", I demanded. He grabbed my arm and walked into the closes locker room. "What the he--!", I screamed loud in his as he slams me against the wall.

"Stay away from her.", he said to me with a harsh tone. "What?"I said. "My girlfriend.", saying it furiously.  Grabbing my cell out of my front pocket, he slid his hand farther down. "What are you doing?", I whispered. "Nothing, where's your phone I can't find it.", finally impatient. "I guess you have to body check me, because your not getting it.", I smirked. I moved my hand with my phone in it and hid it behind my back. Did I want him too? Before I could stop him he already began searching me. He knelt down and started with my right leg. "Really", I asked unimpressed. He glared at me trying to focus. "Just shut up will you?". "Sorry, can't.", I replied while holding in a laugh. He was know at my pockets. "Where's your fucking phone?", he surprisingly calmly asked. I lifted the electric from my sweaty palms. "Oh, is this what your searching for?", clearly playing dumb. Looking confused he snatched my phone. "Clearly you don't understand, you can't hurt her. Not again.", he was pissed off and about to throw a punch. I started to yell, "And clearly you don't understand when I say I don't know who your talking about!". I pushed him off, making him falling to the floor. "Your gonna pay for that". He began to get up slowly, like he was trying to consume some of his energy before pouncing. He stepped forward springing his arm back ready to punch. Before he could, a hand found his bloodthirsty fist.

~Chapter 2 will be awhile. ;) Please comment or give a like :) !! 

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