Momma's Little Baby

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Mama deer and her baby were strolling through the woods one dark evening. Mama looked at her son. You're such a beautiful little fawn. She thought. Please never leave me.
"Son, please don't grow up and leave. If you leave this spring, I won't be able to protect you." Mama said holding back her tears.
"I will never leave you Mama. You are my best friend." He replied.
"I will always protect you my son. I promise."
"I know that mama."
At that moment mama deer heard a strange rumbling sound. Her son was a couple feet in front of her.

"Mama what is that?"

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in her eyes. She was frozen, she could not move.

"Mama save me!"

Oh no, it was a car. She was immobilized, she could not get to him, and the car was not slowing down. And, just like that, in that moment it was over. The car had passed, her son was gone.

Long after the car had drove away Mama deer was still there, horrified by what she had just witnessed. Eventually, she shakily walked over to where her beloved son's body lay.

"My son, my beautiful son. I am sorry I could not protect you." Mama deer curled by her son and began to cry. He was gone, gone forever. How would she go on? He was the light of her life, she would have no purpose without her son.

She slowly got up and with her head down, walked back into the woods on the very same trail her son had walked on.  All through the night she had heard her son's voice yelling:

"Mama save me, you promised that you would protect me!"

Mama deer lived to a very old age and never had any more children. As she lay dying, she thought about how she would finally see her son again. But... she never did.

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