Chapter 5

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Paris pov~
"Man Jay move yuhh think every fucking things a joke"
I said, at dis point me && Jay were arguing. Some how dis Chloe gurl got a hold of his phone number && was blowing him up.

"Bae" Jay said.




"Man Fuck dis I'm not finna sit here && play these childish games wit yuhh,I'm a grown ass man....I don't want her I want yuhh this a four year relationship && yuhh willing to Fuck dat up over a hoe dat was in my past?"

At this point I was in tears I loved Jay but wen I found those messages in his phone I really wanted to hate him, it reminded me of when we was in 8th grade && he broke up wit me for a gurl dat I thought was my friend.

Flash back~
"Heyy jay"

"Wassup Paris umm can we talk?"he asked me.

"Yaa wassup?"

"Uhh well I think we need to see other people"he said.

A single tear ran down my face he broke up wit me. I was walking to my locker wit my best friend Sarah && Jay was kissing on my suppose to be friend but wateva ever since then I said I didn't want him anymore.
Flash back over~

Of course 2 months after they got together he broke up wit her cause he missed me....haha who doesnt.😁😍🔥🔥

"Jay"I said.

"Yaa"he said

"I'm sorry && I love yuhh"
He didn't say anything he just got,up && walked out,I just layed across my bed && cried myself to sleep,I guess he doesn't love me.

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