Ch. 1

10 1 0

Written by Autumn2400

Mamma use to tell me if I kept my head held up I would do great things and I would be happy. So that's what I did. I kept my head high and lived up to everyone's expectations. I was your normal teenage boy. Light colored hair and brown eyes, not a lot of body build but I was okay. What I lacked in muscle I made up in brain smarts. I was the head of my class, Student body president, I was a member of every club, and played every instrument I could get my hands on. I could hold my ground in a fight and I was nice to my friends.

It was only then did the harsh reality kick in that I was always alone. I didn't have friends, only abusers. Being smart and talented meant that I was easily available to everyone's separate needs. I was used by those around me, but for some reason I didn't mind s much.

There was one boy, much taller then I was and looked like a god compared to me. He was kind to me, treated me like in was actually a person rather then a information booth. He always asked for help and I was willing to. If I helped him with his homework, he would help me with sports. I didn't need that much help but it was nice having someone else care for me.

No matter how I looked at it, it was odd that he was so nice to someone like me, but it was better then being alone. This boys name was Takano. He was popular with the boys and girls, second in the class and good at sports. He was my perfect match. Not in a sense that I would date the kid, (not that I had a problem with it.) I only wished that I could keep this false hope that he was using me to underneath my heart.

I had always felt alone. Even if I wasn't. When I was second year of highschool, my mother died, and my father was long gone before I was born. After my mother passed, I was taken in by my moms brother, who unfortunately for me was never home due to his job. Being a member of the Yakuza he was always gone. I learned to cook and I had to clean so in the end, I was alone. I thought that maybe, if I had Takano I could end this pain in my chest. Only I never knew just how much of a monster this boy could be.

I was headed to basketball practice, which was being held outside this time. I was rounding a corner when I heard a voice. Huh? Takano? I stopped and listened. "Yo dude, how long are you gonna baby that kid Yuki?" Someone said

"Hehe, just until I can convince him to give me the spot at the top of the class. He's a tough nut to crack. Hahaha I'm sure if I come up with some sob story, about if I don't get top of the class something bad will happen. A cheesy story like that should work."

My heart stopped and I felt all the anger and pain well up inside of my chest. I let my head drop and I walked past the wall. Once Takano saw me, his features changed from a smirk to one of innocence. I clenched my fist and quickly sized him up, I had one chance to do this. Pulling my bag off my shoulder and setting it down along with my glasses, I walked up to the two timing asshole and grabbed his arm. He stared at me confused for a moment, which have the opportunity I needed. I took my stance and lifted his body over my shoulder, throwing him away from the wall he was leaning against.

The guy next to him stared in surprise and I quickly walked in front of Takano. He looked up and pretended to cry. "What was that for?"

I grit my teeth and speak. "I always knew something was wrong when you befriended me." I looked up at the tall boy and glared. "People aren't that nice in the real world baka!"

I picked up my glasses and bag quickly, and walked away. I could hear the guy that Takano was with laughing his ass off. I was never more pissed off then I had been today. I sighed and headed to basketball practice.

When I got home, my uncle was sitting on the sofa with a woman in his lap. Another day another woman. He cease to amaze me. I walked up to my room, and sat at my desk. I was done being used. The time for games was over and I'm ending it right now. I quickly made a list of things I needed to change. After creating the list I went to living room. I stopped in front of him and the girl, who was sucking on his neck.

He looked up at me and smiled. I didn't. I handed him the list and he read it off. He nodded his head and pushed the girl off of him. She pouted and crossed her arms. "What's all this for?"

"Want does it look like? I just enough money to get all of it. Plus, I want the Yakuza tattoo." I said

His eyes widened and he stood up. He stared at me for a moment then nodded. He reached into his pocket and piled out a bunch of yen. At least 108765.00 Yen (1000 USD). I looked up at him and frowned. "I'm buying some stuff. Not a whole store"

My uncle shrugged his shoulder and pulled out his phone. He told the person at the other end about my choice to join the Yakuza and to send a tattoo artist.

I walked out of the house and went to the mall on my motorbike. I was gonna end everyone's idea that it was okay to treat me the way they did.

I arrived at the mall and parked my bike. Locking it up, I looked down at the paper in my hands. Black hair dye, piercings of all types, and some new clothes. I guess I will need all that Yen in the end. I saw a few kids from school, and some how avoided them.

I bought all of my stuff and headed home. Once inside, my uncle helped me dye my hair black and put in all of my new piercings. Three earrings on both sides, snake bites, and a belly button. Once all that was done, the tattoo artist went to work. It hurt a little bit, but I needed to do this. It was going to be all okay.


I hopped off my motorbike and took off my helmet. Girls gasped and boys looked confused. "Is that Yuki?" "Why does he look like he's in the Yakuza?" "He is so hot!" "I wonder what happened?"

I ignored the comments and worked my way to class. I passed Takano in the hall and he stared after me. I smirked and entered class. The students stared in shock and the teacher looked scared. This is only gonna get funnier from here on out. I could only hope that this shows everyone I'm not a toy.

Class passed and when gym started and everyone saw my tattoo, they knew I was not to be messed with. I was still Yuki. Smart, good looking, sweet, and talented. To top it all off I was now a member of the Yakuza, let's see Takano play me for a fool now. I'll make that bastered wish he never fucked with me.

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