Chapter Twenty One: Champions [EDITED]

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Chapter Twenty-One: Champions

        We make our way slowly down the stairs, my fingers are tightly gripping Niall’s arm. I’m terrified that I would come all this way just to fall on my face. I can control very few things in my life, my knees and energy were not one of them.

        The steps are huge, opening up into a grand area that is lined with beautifully decorated tables. They are all dressed with white linens, the center pieces are large and stand tall into the open air. Beautiful white daisies are packed loosely into each one and it makes me smile.

        “Sarah!” Lizzy’s voice cracks through the quiet air and her giggles light up my heart. I search the room for her and find her standing next to Bradley.

        She embraces me tightly, I cringe but I compact the pain so no one sees me do it. She does though pulling back and smiling at me with sympathy. She stands back with Brad and continues to stare at me which only makes me more uncomfortable.

        “Liz,” I say to her as Bradley wanders away to get her a drink. “I’m okay, I’m not broken.”

        “I just don’t want to hurt you is all,” she admits and I reach out to my hand in hers.

        “You look beautiful.” Her small frame is covered with a slick black dress, it seemed to flow down over her body to the floor flawlessly.

        My head was spinning from the lights above and my hands were shaky as hell. Niall comes up behind me just as I need him and rests his hand on my back to keep my steady. I take a deep breath trying to control the nausea. We continue down the stairs towards the dining area and the rest of the team.

        Some of them turned to look and it suddenly got very warm in the room, Niall stops me and stands in front of me. He blocks the views of everyone around me and cups my chin in his hand.

“Head up beautiful,” he tilts my face up to his, “give them a show.”

        He kisses me now and it’s different than before, this time he makes sure people are watching. This time we don’t hide in the shadows of the tunnels or the dark dim lights of bathroom hallways. We stand proudly in the middle the hallway, in the bright lights, illuminating everything that we are doing for everyone around us.

        Even though I know they are all staring at us nothing exists but this moment in time, nothing but him and I. He steps back and nods his head at me. His eyes are glimmering in the light as he takes me hand and leads me the rest of the way down stairs.

        He pulls my chair out and lets me sit down, I take the moment to look over Brad and it only makes me smile. He’s got a black shirt on that covers his broad chest and a simple blazer on over that rounding out the outfit to make it a little classier.

        I have about a million more questions to ask him but I don’t because now is not the time to ask him them. It’s better to celebrate and be happy. I watch the way he acts with Liz and it makes me smile because he really did care for her. I am glad that after all this time he could finally relax and find someone who understands him for him.

        Dinner is served quickly, and it is wonderful. My plate is loaded with chicken that is cooked in a sweet, garlic sauce and the potatoes are lightly whipped with cream and butter. I eat everything surprisingly even with my lack of appetite.

        I know once coach stands it is time for speeches and I pray to god that he doesn’t make me say anything. You can see so much of him in Niall when they are both dressed up and fancy. I smile and squeeze Niall’s hand gently, he leans in and kisses my cheek causing Lizzy to giggle at our show of affection.

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