Why Aren't We Dating?

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"So, I have these two friends." Dinah grins her wide smile in front of the camera, "and they say they're 'just friends'", she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. "But I think they're might be a little bit more going on." Dinah reveals her theory in front of the camera, slightly wiggling her body as she speaks. "So, I'm going to ask them the question: Why aren't we dating?"

The camera pans out to the two work colleagues and best friends, Camila and Lauren, smiling shyly opposite one another on stools. Dinah, of course, wedged between middle of them, standing proudly as she looks at her 'ship'.

"Guys, thanks so much for being here," Dinah begins, "you look lovely."

"Thank you." Lauren nods with a small smile. Camila chuckles lowly in the background.

"So how about we start out, you..." Dinah points to the small brunette, "introduce Lauren, and say something nice about her, and you..." Dinah points to Lauren, "introduce Camila and say something nice about her!"

"Oh, God." Camila mutters under her breath, "Wait, hold on." Camila wracks her mind for words to say about the green eyed girl in front of her.

"This beautiful girl that I'm going to introduce, has the most beautiful emerald eyes in all of the world. And, she has a wonderful mind and says great, intelligent things; she's always there when you need her, Lauren Jauregui!"

A chorus of 'awwws', follow after Camila's introduction for Lauren, both on and off camera. Dinah's 'awww', is of course, the loudest and most elongated coo in history.

"Thanks, Camz." Lauren says smiling bashfully.

"Okay! Lauren, your turn., Dinah says.

"This girl," Lauren starts, "is a little bit silly, but can be serious sometimes. She loves to give great advice and always makes me feel better when I'm feeling down. And she loves to wear bows which is kinda great."

"Aw, stop, Lauren!" Camila replied with an endeared smile etched across her face.

"So, moving on. Tell me how you met each other?" Dinah queries.

Lauren takes the reigns on the question and says, "I think we met each other while we were both intoxicated."

"Most interactions with you..." Camila pauses, "are hazy"

Lauren laughs, her hand covering her mouth as she giggles, "It's 'cause we're friends and we always hang out when we go out."

"Yeah, exactly." Camila agrees, nodding her head.

"We don't really hang out to go grocery shopping." Lauren continues in a 'duh' tone.

"We met through mutual friends, Dinah, Mani and Ally." Camila says.

"And hit it off right off the bat!" Lauren interjects, somewhat sarcastic.

Camila smiles, the camera catching everything little glance each girl throws at one another.

"We connected over where we're both from... Miami!" Lauren recalls.

"That's right." Camila agrees.

"I was like, 'I went to University of Florida' and you were like, 'I went to University of Central Florida.'"

"Oh my God! Yeah, I remember now!" Camila laughs.

Dinah smiles down at her 'ship' and says, "Right, now I want you to take turns saying things that you both have in common."

"Miami." Camila says matter-of-factly.

"Of course!" Lauren agrees.

"We both are Cuban." the green eyed girl goes onto say.

Why Aren't We Dating? (A Camren One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now