The Light..

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                I woke up and opened my eyes. I saw a bright light, It blinded me. I tried to to move, I couldn't, I couldn't feel anything, I was scared. I screamed and yelled, I cried Help me! Where am I? Two men came up to me They looked blurry. I couldn't see perfectly. Where am I? I yelled, the two men put their arms on me, They held me down as I tried to get back up. Let me go, I said, Your ok one of the blurry men said. Where am I? I asked Again. Your in a hospital. Why? Your hurt said one of the other men. Whats wrong with me? You've fallen down and fractured your skull. It sounded like he was lying to me. I thought to myself. Just the way he said it. It sounded like he made that up out of the blue. Why can't I feel anything? We numbed you so you couldn't feel the pain. I looked around for a couple of minutes then said, I want to go home. The two blurry man turned real fast and said you can't go. Why? Your Parents are dead. What are you talking about, your crazy, I said as I started to cry. Your parents are dead we found them in trash bags. Why? Why did this happen? I said. We are telling you the truth. We are sorry No No they can't be dead, They can't! They are its over. I cried myself asleep. I woke up and there was that stupid light again. A large group of men came up to me they all started talking loudly and all at once. It's driving me insane, I Thought. I started screaming, everybody stopped talking and just stared at me. One man came up to me. He asked me a question. Do you know who you are? Yes I said. Whats your name? Alex, My name is Alex. How old are you? I'm 12 years old. Ok. When were you born? I was born December 2nd 2002. Last question about you. ok I said. Whats your favorite color? My favorite color is green. ok. Now do you remember your parents? Yes I said as I started to cry. My dads name is John and my moms name is Mary. There lasts name are... Before I could finish what I was going to say a loud alarm came on, bright red lights was flashing everywhere I looked it was dark, it was hard to see. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I was tied down. I screamed, Somebody, Help me! Is anybody there? I was yelling as loud as I could. Nobody could hear me and I couldn't hear them either. I finally gave up. I was tired. I could hardly open my eyes, It was realy foggy and red from all the flashing lights and the noise was unbearable. I closed my eyes and relaxed, I fell asleep, I was dreaming, I was falling down into a deep hole that seemed to never end. It was dark I couldn't see anything. I was dizzy, My head was pounding and all of a sudden, A loud screating noise came, It wouldn't stop. My ears blistered. It seemed like the sound would never end. I fell... I woke up realy fast, I sat straight up and took a deep breath. I looked around, I noticed that I wasnt strapped down anymore and nothing was blurry. What happened? I thought as I stood up, I almost fell down but I caught myself on a bar. I got back up and walked around, it was dark and I could hardly see where the walls ended. It was quiet. I thought about about my mom, dad and brother. Wait! Where is my brother? The men didn't say anything about him. All I knew is I messed them I collapsed onto the floor, I put my hands over my face. I thought to myself for a long time. As I sat in the cold dark room I noticed something on the distance, It looked like a person, But it was so dark. I wasn't sure what it was. I called out to it. Hello? Help me! Im lost, I need to find my parents. The mysterious figure disappeared. My Parents can't be dead, something is going on. I stood up and made my way walking slowly in the dark. I tried to find a way out, looking for some sort of light. I saw a little streak of light it was bright and beautiful. I followed it. The light lead to a door, it was cracked. That is where the light is coming from. I opened the door and it was so bright it hurt my eyes from being in the dark for so long. Looking out in the bright outdoors I found myself in the woods. It was getting dark out and I was cold. I have to find my way home somehow, Where do I go? I'm in the middle of nowhere. Hello? Is anyone out their? Im lost! Please! Help me! I stopped for a moment and listened, I heard nothing, nobody. Whats going on? I turned around As the wind started to blow, Something caught my eye. It was that mysterious figure again. I ran towards it, it was far. I ran and ran as fast as I could, I was so close to the figure. Then all of a sudden I tripped and scratched my knee badly, it hurt. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. What did I trip on? I picked myself up off the ground and looked where i tripped. What is that? I noticed the smell of it, it stunk badly. I tried to move it with a stick, It looks like some sort of animal. I've never seen something like it before. Maybe its a dog. It looks like its been there for a while. I could see the ribs, It had blood all over it and a strong odor. I thought to myself for a couple of minutes, by now it was dark and colder than earlier. My cut stopped bleeding but it still hurt. As i walked in the dark, cold night I thought to myself. I still don't know what that thing was. It looked like some sort of zombie or something. I walked and walked. It was so cold, So cold you could see my breath. I need to find somewhere to stay. Its too cold out here. I can die. I was looking for something, anything so I don't die. I was looking at the ground the whole time. I looked up and saw a huge black figure, I ran away from it, it scared me. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry but I couldn't. I couldn't give up, I had to find my parents. I started walking again. The sun was coming up. It was getting a little warmer. I was thirsty and hungry, I need to find someone. I kept on walking, i walked over a hill. I found a house! I found a house! I ran up to the door and knocked. Nobody answered. I looked through the window I saw nobody. I went to the door once more and knocked. Still nobody answered. I put my hand on the cold door knob and twisted it. The door opened. I walked in the door a little. Hello? Anybody? I walked in the doorway and closed the door. I looked around, The house looked cozy. I walked around inside. I saw a bed, I sat down on it, finally somewhere to rest. Im hungry i thought to myself as i got of the bed, I saw a refrigerator. I walked towards it, I opened it. Thank God there was food. I was starving. I needed food, now I just needed some water, I saw a sink, I turned it on. It worked. Thank you God I said to myself. I ate like a dog and drunk like one too. I ate so much. I felt like i was going to throw up but I wasnt. Im glad that I found a house and something to eat and drink. I walked around more and found a backpack, I unzipped it. It had a lot of things in it. The bookbag had water bottles, food, a huge jacket, a knife, a gun and ammo, a lot of it too. Why did the person put all of this stuff in here? They couldn't have been hunting. They had a pistol not a rifle. Why would they put a gun in a bookbag anyway? By now it was night time. I think im going to sleep here tonight, I said as I walked towards the door and locked it. I walked to the bed and laid down, I stared for a couple of minutes then closed my eyes and went to sleep. ((Bang Bang Bang)) I sat straight up and opened my eyes wide. ((Bang Bang Bang)) There's that sound again. It was extremely loud and it was coming from the door. ((Bang Bang Bang)) I got up and got the knife out of the bag, Just in case. I went to the door and looked through the peephole, I could see nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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