Chapter 18

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Lucas pov: it was around 11:00 am by this time everyone was up. Camilla didn't only want to talk to me she wanted to talk to Diggy and Asia also. I bit on my bottom lip deep in thought. It'll be Asia Diggy and I if we can set up a meeting location in a private place then we can set where ever we meet on fire. I pulled out my phone and texted Camilla back from the multiple times she blew up my phone and I didn't respond. I talked to Lucas and Asia and seen what they had to say about the whole thing Asia agreed "Daniel we can meet her at that place where you shot that kid when we went to go get Jasmine that'll be the perfect place. We can pour gasoline in the house before we text her the address and meet up with her wait an hour so it can like simmer down and then when we get there to "talk" or what ever light that bitch up" Asia said I between her coughs. She was still pale and the fact that she was really willing to do this showed how strong she was. Asia was the true definition of a fighter. "Your right" dig said "ayo bro type this address in and tell her to meet us there around 2:15" dig said showing me the address on his maps.

To Camilla 😒✌🏾️: meet us at 2:15pm @ 255 rosandale drive

I sent her the text and moments later she responded with a "k" we all got in dig's car tells everyone we'd be back. We went to the gas station and bought a 3 jugs of gas that house needed to be wiped out. Completely. After getting the gas we drove to the place when we got to the house it looked kinda familiar we walked into the house and I seen a dead boy right there "Diggy this the nigga you shot?" I asked asking dig he nodded "yeah justin from high school" he said I furrowed my eyebrows "why" he had Asia at gun point and her crazy ass actually walked closer to the gun with the gun right at her head" he explained I shook my head leave it up to Asia to do some wild shit like that. After pouring gasoline in the whole entire house we left for a while to let the gas sink in. We got back to the house around 2:00 and Camilla and Aaliyah were already there "so what did you want Camilla?" Asia said taking the lead to speak "ooo your bold." Camilla said "or are you the one bold? You've tried killing me why can't a one on one fight settle it for you? Huh? Why isn't it enough?  Because you always get your ass whooped huh?" Asia keep asking Camilla, Camilla looked as if Asia was getting under her skin "how did you like finding your cousin dead" "just as much as I like spinach... I hated it. You see it made me feel like.." Asia tilted her head to the side and looked up "it made me feel like chocking the stupid bitch that did it" Asia finished Camilla laughed "chocking what hoe?" "You. Like how I did two other times before" Asia said "hmm I like her cousin she has balls, she's a tough cookie and omg your bestfriend here is a cutie" Aaliyah said walking over to Diggy and tracing his body with her finger. Asia's focus wasn't on that though surprisingly. She was eyeing Camilla down to the T like you know how a fat kid goes to the store and sees candy he wants but can't have? Yeah like that but kinda different Asia was eyeing her down like a tiger that just saw his pray and was ready for attack. "Anyways what the fuck did you want to talk about?" Asia said "Lucas it's always gonna be Asia huh?" She said turning her attention towards me. I just stared at her and Asia and put my head down "camilla Asia's done for me than you ever have. Asia is my first love. Asia and I been through a lot of shit. You lied to me, you caused me hurt and pain... It's always gonna be Asia." I said admitting to her what she didn't want to hear. I seen the tears forming in her eyes "Diggy. Look at me and tell me the reason why we stopped being friends... Best friends" she said facing Diggy. "Camilla you was after the girl I had fell in love with" now her tears were falling down her face. "Asia I don't hate you. I envy you. I want to be like you. I want to be you. Everyone loves you and yet I still don't know why." She faced Asia "I give up. You have everything" Camilla said "Camilla everything isn't about looks or being perfect I'm far from perfect ! The thing is I'm loyal not just in a relationship but in general. I'm not with Lucas anymore I'm seeing Diggy but you think the secrets that Lucas has told me I'd run back and tell Diggy? No. Loyalty is everything. I respect myself. I have goals... I-i- I have a good heart Camilla. That's it" Asia said "listen I really gotta fucking pee Asia said "I'm gonna go in the car this has no longer became my conversation" Asia said leaving out the door. From that point I realized what she was trying to do it was time to follow through on our plan just then I smelled the fire start from the back of the house Camilla and Aaliyah was standing on separate sides of us right in front of us there was a cord in the middle of us which we made sure to get gasoline on Diggy laughed to himself "what's so funny?" Camilla asked "how pathetic you are Camilla. You envy Asia? But yet you've never strived to be anything like her. You think killing her was gonna get you the love you wanted? Everyone would've just hated you." Diggy said by this time Camilla was pissed she looked like she was ready to attack Diggy that was our cue to light a match and burn the cord "can I smoke a cigarette do y'all mind?" I asked around everyone shook their heads indicating I can I pulled out a cigarette and lit a match just as I was going to go to light the cigarette I dropped the match on the cord separating Camilla Aaliyah Diggy and I we ran out the door locking it behind us going to the car by now the whole house was on fire we heard screams come from inside and we just got into the car pulling off... Let's hope she's dead this time.

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