Flash Backs and Memories

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"My, my. What do we have here? Ariel and her flounder. Did you guys find anything new? Any treasure? Hmm..." Nathan asked. He turned to John, "Did you give her any new treasure flounder boy?"

Everyone laughed at them. "Oh! Wait. Were you guys making out?'' he asked when he saw red dotting John's face.

"Chill out Nathan. We're about to go now. So if you would be so kind as to let us through, we'll get an empty room and out your jealous eyes." I waved bye and took John by the hand. "Tootles."

Nathan growled and grabbed my wrist. "Come," he dragged me away. Nathan dragged me down the hall despite everyone's and my objections. John was blocked by the only two guys who didn't care about what Nathan was doing. I jerked my hand but couldn't get free.

"Stop! You're gonna leave a bruise!" I struggled. "Ah!" I shouted when Nathan shoved me against a wall. "What the hell! What's wrong with you!"

"You're not allowed to even think about doing anything with that fish!" he hissed in my face. "You're not allowed to even think about anything to do with anyone, especially anything intimate," he whispered coldly in my ear.

I tried to punch, push, anything to get him away from me. He just chuckled and pulled my hands around his waist. "That's not a good idea, babe." He looked down at my body flush against his own. His face got closer as he leaned in. My eyes got wider and I could feel his breath fanning my face. It felt too real. My heart was racing, blood boiling. How dare he. His eyes were a storm of green and blue. His lips a soft pink. Lucky him, I thought. This was to too real to be a dream. I could feel his lips brushing against my own. Uh, oh. I opened my closed eyes and saw the same stormy green and blue eyes looking down at me. Uh, oh.

"Wake up," his lips spoke against mine. My eyes shot open and the light streaming in through the curtains blinded me.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! GET OUT! GET OUT!AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" I shrilled, throwing anything my hands could find at the intruding figure in my room. A pillow, hardcover book, laptop charger, mini makeup kit, plush penguin, Vaseline container, and a lotion and sunscreen bottle.

"Stop!" he growled and lunged for me. He grabbed my arms and held them isolated from everything else. Above my head. "Quite, darling. Nothing good ever comes from going against me. You know that already, don't you?" His words glided over my skin, sending goose bumps racing across.

My chest heaved from the mini heart attack. My breathes came out labored. "Get the hell out of here!" I glared at him menacingly.

"Or what?" he chuckled. "Gonna bite?" he teased, biting the tip of my nose.

I gasped and struggled again, desperately trying to get away from the lunatic. "Or is flounder gonna come out of somewhere to bite me instead?"

"Who the hell are you?! What in the world do you want? Money? Jewelry? Gold? None. Of. That. Is. In. This. Room." I bit out. I was shaking now, with nothing but fear. I bit my tongue trying not to cry. If he's not here for money or valuables, then he could only be here for me. What does he want with me? Kidnap? No, I'm not worth it. Prostitution? I know, I know. But you can never be too sure about these things in this century. But if only I could get loose, then I'd show him.

"Snap out of it you dumb ass. I'm not going to rape you, kidnap you, or do any other ridiculous thing you might have thought of. Chill out!" he lightly slapped my check. His hand stayed on my face.

"Who the hell ARE you!" I screamed again. His thumb began to trace my bottom lip.

"Who am I? You don't remember me?" He frowned a little. "That makes me sad, very sad."

This loony. Okay. Calm down. Find a way to escape. Come on girl, think of a escape route. After rendering immovable, I can either run out the door, into the bathroom, or out of the windows. The closest exit would be the bathroom. Okay!

"Thinking of a escape route?" His thumb was now probing my lips open. "Okay then. Why don't we play a game. Hide-and-seek slash Escape Room. You try to escape, and I'll count to ten. Then I'll come find you where ever you are." When I tried to move he jerked me back to him. "But if I find you before you escape, then I get anything I want from you. Okay?"

Anything to get away from you, loony. I nodded. "Say it." I opened my mouth to respond when his thumb went in. Shit! "Okay." My stomach tightened when I felt his thumb press into my tongue. My insides warmed. At the thought I got repulsed. Ugh! How could you? You dumb ass! Idiot! Moron! But he does resemble some I know... who? Who? The wetness on my cheek drew me out of my thoughts.

"One," the guy said, closing his eyes very slowly. But not before winking and smirking at me. "Two," he drawled. I started. Scrambling out of the bed, I stood beside it. My brain went to auto-pilot. I raised my knee and kicked his family jewels. He doubled over but thankfully didn't move.

I ran towards the bathroom. I looked around, the shower stall was in front, and the closet next to me. On my right was the toilet and in front of that was the sink and mirror. Closet! Lemme tell you something, I have a pretty big closet. And I mean big. I hurried over to the closet and ducked underneath the closest rack of clothes.

"Six... Seven... Eight..." I tried to calm my breathing, anticipating what was going to happen. My heartbeat was so freaking loud I was sure it would give me away. "Nine... and ten," he breathed out. The bed creaked with his weight coming off and his footsteps bound towards the bathroom. "I'm coming sweety. Once I find you, you have to do whatever I want. And you're going to pay for that kick. Now, where could you possibly hiding?" Damn it! I should've gone out the door! You dumb ass!

I looked up, feeling as if the place got the slightest bit darker. He was right there! "Are you gonna come out or should I come and get you?" The hangers screeched in protest as if warning me. His hand came through then the rest of his body came into view.

My heart wretched in fear.

My stomach plummeted.

My guts twisted.

But at the same time a tingling, electrical sensation stirred in all parts that felt the dread.

By the way, how the hell did he know what I was thinking? And what about me knowing him? Does he know me?

I didn't care all that much as I raised the razor I had grabbed off the sink counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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