Louis' pov
"Everyday we woke up and went to the bathroom," I said, my voice trembling."She would put her make up and I would fix my hair," I say as tears threaten to escape my eyes."She would look in the mirror and sigh, she would whisper I'm nothing," I paused looking at the crowd of fans, the whole stadium was silent. All the fans I could see were crying. "I would walk up behind her and are eyes met in the mirror, blue meets brown, everyday. She would smile when our eyes met," A tear fell down my face."I would tell her she's everything," I stop and start crying. "Sorry everyone," I say trying to sound clear. I pull my self together and continue speaking."We would leave the bathroom at the same time, so I never worried about her," I said knowing the next part would be hard to say. "It all changed when she woke up before me, she had already gone to the bathroom," I dropped my mic into my lap. I buried my head in my hands. "Give him a minute guys this is hard for him to say," Liam said rubbing my back. "I can continue," I said, sobbing. "I got to the bathroom and the door was shut," I couldn't say the next part because I knew I wouldn't be able to say it clearly. "I opened the bathroom door and the first thing I saw was......her......lifeless....... body," I sobbed it was so hard to say cause I knew she was gone. The whole crowd held there hand ups in the shape of a heart. "There was a note that had blood on it on the counter . It said, dear Louis I'm sorry I'm gone but I can't take the pressure. No one liked me, majority of your fans hate me. Bye Louis, don't leave the world because I did. You have people that will die without I don't. Goodbye. I remember the note by heart because i read every night and morning. It pains me to know she's gone," I looked out into the crowd and I saw a sign that had a picture of Adeline on it. The fan wrote RIP Adeline. When i saw It i couldn't say the rest. Liam bent down"Do you want to go backstage for a couple of minutes?" He asked. I nodded my head ever so slightly. We both walked off stage. Harry and Niall were staring at us. "Dude are you ok?" Liam asked. "Why did the fans hate her, she has done nothing. She didn't need to take her life from this world," I mumbled. Liam sighed not knowing what to say. "The next song we're singing is over again, you requested the song," Liam said. I nodded my head. I wiped my face trying to make it seem I wasn't crying. I walked out onto the stage the crowd cheered. I smiled just barley. "So this next is gonna be Over Again, a tribute to Adeline," Harry boomed out. The whole crowed cheered. The first couple notes played I sighed. Liam started singing, then all of us sang the chorus. I tired signing all of the lyric changes that made Adeline laugh. When I was signing my solo tears threatened to escape my eyes. I changed the lyrics to the way that made Adeline laugh. Over again was the last song of the whole concert. When the last note played out I ran offstage. I set my ear pieces down and my mic. I asked a security guard if I could leave. The guard nodded and he lead me to a van he got in the front and got in the back. He asked me were I wanted to go. I sighed "The cemetery," I said. Are performance was in the town Adeline and I lived, so we were close to where we buried her. We pulled into the cemetery. "Mr. Tomlinson would you like me to come with you?" The secretary guard asked. "No thank you," I said. I walked to her grave. I sat down next to her grave tears were streaming down my face. "We sung Over Again today, I sung all your favorite lyric changes," I said trying to smile but it was so hard because I knew she couldn't respond."I told everyone are story," I said. I cried sitting there trying to wipe the tears. "Why did you leave this world? I loved you," I sobbed. I got up cause I couldn't stay here much longer. I opened the van door and sat down. "Are you ok Mr.Tomlinson?" The Guard asked. "Yes, can you take me home," I said. As soon as he pulled into my driveway I ran to my front door "Tell the boys I went home," I say to the guard. He nodded. I opened my door and I ran to my bathroom. I picked up my razor and started try to pick out a blade. Once I got a blade out, I made a slash on my arm. Blood started flowing out of the cut. Every drop of blood felt like a tear that I couldn't shed. Man did it hurt but it also felt good, now I understand why Adeline cut it felt like every time a drop of blood that hit the floor was another worry gone. The bleeding stopped on the first cut I made. I made another slash, this one was deeper than the first one. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I looked at it, there was a text from Liam. The text said, hey we heard you went home early we are coming over. I just sent him a OK. I quickly locked the door so I could clean up the blood. I cleaning up the blood. As I was cleaning I heard the door open. "Hey Louie we are here!" Niall exclaimed. It was silent,"Louis?" Liam yelled. "I'm in the bathroom lads," I said. I heard foot steps coming closer to the door. One of the boys tried opening the door."Are you ok Louie, why's the door looked?" Harry asked, still trying to open the door."yeah I'm fine I'm just taking a shower," I said. "I don't hear the water running," Liam said. I quickly turned on the water. "You're delusional," I said. "Ok we will be watching football," Liam said. They walked away, I turned off the water. I cleaned up the last bits of blood. I opened the door and walked down stairs. "Hey everyone," I said when I saw Liam, Harry, and Niall sitting at my couches. "Why did you leave early?" Niall asked. "I just was really emotional," I said. "What you said tonight almost got me into tears," Harry said. "Um, thanks, I guess?" I said. "Did you come straight home?" Liam asked. "Nooooooooo," my voice trailed off. "Where did you go?" Liam asked. "The...cemetery," I whispered. All the boys mumbled oh. The football gamed ended so all the boys left. So I was there alone. I ran back up to the bathroom. I got the blade that I was using and I continued to cut. Each slash I made, I made it deeper and deeper. I opened the cabinet under the sink. I searched for some rubbing alcohol to rub on my cuts. Instead of finding rubbing alcohol I found a notepad. The notepad was covered in blood. I flipped it to the first page, it was covered with blood so I could barley see the writing. What I could see was re, I, c. I think it said the reasons I cut. I flipped to the second page. If said Goodbye down the whole page. I started noticing while I was flipping through the notepad, it was stuff Adeline wrote before she committed suicide. I wanted I wanted to rip it all to shreds because it made me so mad and upset. I grabbed the pencil from the spiral of the notepad. I started writing down a goodbye note so when i bleed out and i'm done with this world someone will know why. The note I write says, dear anyone who reads this, in done with this world. Fans hate me. Adeline is gone there is no one else who loves me, sorry for leaving one direction. Please don't split apart just because I'm gone. Goodbye everyone. I looked at my arm seeing the last cut I made had not stopped bleeding. The cut had made some of arm go numb. I picked up the blade and sliced again. This cut was the deepest so far, my whole arm felt numb. My whole my slowly went numb. I was just able to hold the blade to make one more cut this one I tired to make really deep so I would bleed out. I was done with this world. The whole world went black.
Liam's pov
Today was are next concert no one had seen or heard from Louis. So I drove to his house to check on him. I knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked again, no answer. I unlocked the door and walked in. "Louis? Are you here?" I yelled, no answer. I ran to the kitchen, he's not there. I ran to his bedroom, he's not there. I ran to the guest bedroom, he is not there. I ran to last place I wanted to look, the bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door, no answer. "Louis you ok?" I asked. Still no response. I opened the door and saw a horrible sight. Louis' lifeless body, his arm was covered in blood. Next to his body lied a note. The note said dear anyone who reads this, in done with this world. Fans hate me. Adeline is gone there is no one else who loves me, sorry for leaving one direction. Please don't split apart just because I'm gone. Goodbye everyone. I never cry but I'm was real close to crying. I picked up my phone and called Harry. The phone rang and Harry picked up. "Hey Liam, did you find Louie?" Harry asked. "Yeah......," my voice trailed off. "What's wrong Liam?" Harry asked. "Just come over to Louis' house and see for yourself," I said and I hung up. I didn't know what to do. I read the note again, again, and again. I heard a knock on the front door, I got up and answered it. Harry and Niall were standing looking at me worried. "What's wrong?" Niall asked. "Follow me," I said. I walked to the bathroom Niall and Harry followed. I point at the bathroom and Harry opened the door. Harry gasped "Louis!" He exclaimed. "What! Oh my god!" Niall exclaimed. "What happened?" Harry asked. "I don't know, but I found this note," i said as handed them the note. They both read it their mouth were hanging wide open. "He's gone," Niall whispered. "Ah, what do we do, what do we do, what do we do?" Harry started freaking out. "Call 999 I guess?" I suggested. "Yeah I'll call them," Niall said as he walked out of the bathroom. Harry and I stood there in silence looking at Louis' body. "Why?" I asked. "Why, what?" Harry asked "Why would he take himself out I this world so many people loved him, girls are gonna probably gonna commit suicide because of him," I said trying not to cry. Louis was my best mate, he always brought me up when I was down,but now he's not there. "They will be here in ten minutes," Niall said walking back into the bathroom. We sat there in silence until the cops and ambulance arrived. I heard a knock on the front door. I answered it, when I opened the door two police man were standing there. "Hello sir, I'm officer Johnson and this is officer smith," the police man said pointing and the other police man. "Are you Mr.Horan?" Officer Johnson asked. "No sir, I'm Liam Payne," I said as I offered my hand so they could shake it. They ignored my offer to shake hands "ok then Mr.Payne, we were called over here because someone committed suicide. Is this correct?" The officer asked. "Yes sir, just follow me and I will show you where the victim is at," I said. The police officer nodded and he followed me. I lead the officers to the bathroom. "The...victim ...is ...in...there," I said slowly because it hurt to call Louis a victim. "OK Mr.Payne, we will take this body out of your hands, will you have a funeral for this man?" The officer asked. "Um...eh...er...yes sir," I said, I didn't like the thought of having a funeral for Louis. I knew he would have one, one day but not now. "Ok what is the full name of the victim?" The officer asked. "Louis...William...Tomlinson," Harry said. "And who might you be?" The officer asked. "Harry styles,sir," Harry said. "Mr.Payne do you know this man and can I trust what he is saying?" The officer asked. "Yes," I said. "Ok so, Mr. Tomlinson will be taken to the hospital until a date for the funeral is set," the officer said. The officer left the bathroom. Harry, Niall and I all followed him. We sat down on the couch while officer got EMS so they could remove Louis' body. I saw them roll the stretcher in they went up stair and a couple minutes they returned with Louis' body covered with a white cloth. Tears stained all of our faces. "Goodbye Louis," I said just barley. As the officers left along with the ambulance. "Goodbye," Harry said.
At Louis' funeral
Third person pov
The room was silent there was mumbles. Every once and a while people would walk up to the casket and stare down at Louis. "Excuse me every body , may everyone sit down the ceremony is going to begin," Liam said. Very soft music started plating in the background Louis' mum stood up first to say her speech "I loved my little Louis, I loved seeing him happy when he was with the band," Louis' mum sobbed. "I never wanted to see him die. I wanted to be dead before he died. But I guess he couldn't take the pressure of the world and now he's gone and I couldn't even say goodbye, now he's in heaven with Adeline and, they are happy together," Louis' mum sobbed. She stepped down. Next stood up Louis' step dad. "Louis was the best son I could ever ask for, he worked hard for everything he wanted to achieve, goodbye son," and that was all Louis' dad said. Next stood up Liam, tear stains were all along Liam's cheek. "Louis was my best mate, seeing him dead on the bathroom floor was worst thing I could have seen. He always brought me up when I was down," tears continued to roll down Liam's cheek as he continued speaking "I always loved joking around with him on stage, I loved his lyric changes, Goodbye mate," Liam finished and he sat down. Next person to speak was Zayn. "I was really good friends with Louis while I was still in the band, I think I left I hurt two people's feeling a lot, Liam and him, some days I wish I never left the because I lost contact with one of my best mates," Zayn turned and looked at the casket. "Goodbye," he said and he sat down. Next to speak was Harry "I don't want to speak but here's my speech, Louis was the one in the band I could go to when felt down, everything he said seemed funny in a way," Harry tapped his fingers on the podium. "Seeing his dead body on the ground in the bathroom was sight that I never thought I would see," Harry finished his speech at that. He turned to face to casket he said a quite Goodbye. The second to last person that was going to speak was Niall. "Um, what do I say," Niall whispered. "Well I guess I'll start by saying, Louis was wonderful person to work and he was my best mate," Niall sighed. "I really don't know what to say, Goodbye Louis," Niall stepped down from the podium. The last person to speak was Lottie, Louis' sister. "My bother was like a father to me. He cared for me so much, along with his other sisters." Lottie sobbed. "He never seemed sad , he was always cheerful and if I was upset he would cheer me up," Lottie said in a trembly voice. "I didn't want him leave this world but now he's gone, he's not gonna be there for his friends, he's not gonna be there to write a new song. His is not going to be there for his fans. He's not going to be able to sing another song. He's gone. Bye Louis," Lottie sat down. Every sat in silence. The funeral was over everyone that wanted to see his burial went to the cemetery. Louis was buried right next to Adeline. When his casket was covered everyone stood in silence, tears stained everyone's face. Everyone left expect Liam and Zayn. "It's been a long time with out you my friend," Zayn sang softly. "And I'll tell you about when I see you again," Liam continued the song. "We've come a long way from where we began, Oh I'll yell all about when I see you again," Zayn and Liam sang softly together. They both sighed "I thought I would only have to say goodbye to him once," Zayn said. "Yeah now your saying goodbye for good," Liam said. They stood in there in silence. "Bye, I'm leaving," Zayn said. "I guess i should leave to," Liam said. They both said there final goodbyes to Louis for good.
So there is probably a lot of spelling and grammar errors but how is it

Sad one direction stories
FanfictionThese are just some quick stories that are sad. I'll update every Friday (if I can) hope you guys like it