Unwanted Love

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AN: So, this is my first klaroline fanfiction in English. I have another one that's in German. If you are German you can read it ;) if not its not a problem because now here is a fic in English ! Anyway I'll just start with the story ! Enjoy reading and please vote ? :D Please Vote guys !!!! :)

This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all, Caroline thought while she was throwing up in the toilet again. After she was finished with puking, she cleaned herself in the bathroom and went to the living room. She fell onto the couch and sighed heavily.

This was the second week now in which she felt that bad. She didn't know where this sickness come, but it annoyed her to hell.

All her friends knew already about her throwing up and they had advised her to see a doctor. So, Caroline had done that. She had gone to a doctor and had checked up herself.

Nevertheless the doctor hadn't found anything specific which hade made Caroline more confused about her state. She even had visited a gynecologist and nothing had the female doctor diagnosed.

It was getting frustrating now. Two days ago Elena had suggested that they could go to Klaus because maybe he knew why she was feeling this way, but Caroline had refused her offer.

She couldn't face Klaus once again, not after what she had done. She had made the dumbest decision by getting drunk and visiting him in her unstable position. She had slept with him-with Klaus-the evil in person.

Luckily, Tyler wasn't in town anymore because if he would, still be here, Caroline would get into real big trouble.

But wasn't she in trouble now too? After all, she had cheated on him; she was a cheater. The idea of calling Klaus because of her new situation seemed every day more attracting to her than ever.

She needed help and since no doctor or her friends couldn't help her, she had to go to Klaus who had brought them all nothing, but bad luck. The evidence was clearly to be seen in the town and she was a proof too.

Suddenly, she rose from her spot and went out of her house, but not before putting her jacket on. Even though it was spring, the chilly weather hadn't left them yet.

Getting in her car, she drove directly to the Mikaelson villa. As she arrived there, she swiftly got out of the car and moved towards the door on which she knocked once. Immediately, the door was opened by a good-looking Klaus.

"Hello, darling. What a pleasure to see you Caroline!" He exclaimed.

She rolled her eyes and said sternly, "Klaus, I don't have time for games. I'm here because of a serious matter. Would you let me in, please?"

Straight away, Klaus made her space so that she could enter his house. After she went in, Klaus closed the door and led her to the living room. Both sat opposite of each other on couches. At once he spoke up, "So, what brings you to me love. Did you miss me already? Aww, that's cute Caroline."

With a quick she got up looking at him furiously, she said, "I'm not here because I missed you. I'm here because I'm sick. I have disease and I don't know why or how I got it."

He looked shocked at her and tried to calm her down by moving towards her and holding her hands.

"Easy, Caroline. Tell me, what exactly your illness is and I promise to help you," he said smoothly.

She nodded and confessed, "It's just...I'm sick for two weeks now and I can only throw up my food. It's really depressing and I have visited doctors, but even they can't help. So, I'm here now because it seems that you might be the only one who can help me. Will you help me?"

He smiled friendly and told her, "Of course, I'll help you darling. What a gentleman would I be, if I didn't obey your wish."

Letting go of her hands, he pulled out his phone and dialed a number, a number of a witch who owed him a favor.

"Grana, I need you here, immediately. We have a problem. I'll see you soon," he ended the call quickly and turned towards Caroline.

"She will be here soon, darling," he announced. Caroline folded her arms and declared, "If your friend is a witch, she will wasting her time. Even Bonnie couldn't make out what's wrong with me and she is a very powerful witch. She only could say that something was off with me. She could sense something, but she didn't know what it was."

He frowned and said, "Well, maybe she just didn't know the right spell. Have a seat, she'll be here soon." "Okay, fine, I can wait, I guess."

She placed herself on her old place and gazed at the table in front of her. She didn't dare to look in his eyes because she was afraid she would get lost in them. All of a sudden Klaus voice brought her back to earth, "You know what's funny?"

She glanced at him and asked,"What's funny?"

"The thing that your sickness started two weeks ago which was the same time we had..."

Abruptly Caroline cut him off by telling him,"Stop it Klaus! Don't say it! I know what we did, okay? Don't tease me with it!"

He was taken aback with her sudden outburst, but still he kept his calm attitude.

"Relax, Caroline. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. And I'm sorry that you feel bad now about it, but I'm not sorry that it happened," he said sincerely.

"I know, I know you wouldn't be sorry about it. I feel guilty about it, but I can't change anything anymore. And I don't know why I'm so upset now? It's so confusing!"

Caroline, all at once sobbed. She didn't know whether it were her heightened feelings or her mood who was playing tricks with her lately. Perhaps both, she thought.

As soon as Caroline began to cry, he sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her body. Instantaneously she welcomed his hug and rested her head on his chest. Strangely, she found solace in his arms and her crying was about to stop. His smoothing words, of course, had helped her that she wasn't weeping anymore.

He kissed her forehead and whispered, "Shh, Caroline. Everything will be fine, just rest a bit."

Looking him in the eyes, she nodded and replied, "I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me, but you're right. I'll just relax. Do you have any magazines to read before your friend comes."

Klaus got up and returned back to her with a bunch of fashion magazines that were originally from Rebekah. "Here, have fun with these magazines," he announced giving her the journals. Gladly, she accepted them and stated reading whereas Klaus took a book to entertain himself.

Soon Grana, the with arrived at the Mikaelson-Maison and started swiftly her work. As she had stepped in the room, she already had sensed that there was a heartbeat, but vampires didn't had one. She had a thought that seemed impossible and with the spell she was creating now, she wanted to be sure that her psychic senses weren't fooling her.

She took a little bit of Caroline's blood and a little bit of Nik's. She mixed the blood with special herbs and said then the spell. After the spell was done, her presumption was confirmed: Something lively was inside the girl. Caroline was looking expectantly at the middle aged woman in front of her and loosing her patience. "So, what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?" She exclaimed.

Grana looked from her to Klaus and said finally: "Well, I don't know how to say this, but you, girl, are pregnant. Something inside of you is alive." "WHAAAAT?" Both shouted.

"What are you saying? How can this be possible?" Caroline questioned her angrily. Klaus glared at the witch and said icily: "Explain, Grana."

She nodded trying to explicate them the subject, "I never would have thought that this is possible too, but I had read in a book that once a hybrid; it doesn't matter which sort of hybrid, founds its mate then he or she can procreate kids. This means that the partner can be either human or supernatural as in your case it's a vampire. Caroline, you're carrying Klaus's child with you."

"This can't be the truth, please tell me I'm not pregnant," she pleaded. Grana looked sadly at her and said softly, "Sorry, child, but it's the truth."

At that moment Caroline actually fainted.

Luckily, Klaus caught her before she could hit the ground. Holding her in his arms, he laid her on the couch and said afterwards, "What a surprise! I'm going to be a father! That's just great."

The sarcasm in his voice was not to be overheard.

Grana grinned and declared, "Gratulations, Nik. You'll have soon an inheritor."

At that a small smile crept onto his lips. A son could turn out to be great, he thought.


AN: So, this was the first chapter! How did you guys like it? Do you think it's good? Please, tell me if you do or don't like the idea !! Please, just VOTE AND/OR COMMENT!!!!! Please, do me the favor :D And I'll love you till the end of time ❤❤😭😭😃😃😍👍😎 vote or comment! P.S: I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. English is my second language!! No votes? I'm sad 😞😭

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