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AN: The second chapter is there! Read and enjoy and don't forget to vote :)

After a few minutes Caroline woke up and was entirely confused. She blinked several times to make sure that the situation was real and not just fake. She was actually with Klaus and a witch in his house like in her nightmare she had some minutes ago.

The hybrid beside her bent down looking concerned at her and asked, "Is everything alright with you, darling?" Caroline avoided his glance and snorted, "Of course. I'm pregnant with your child. My life couldn't be better," she said sarcastically. Nicklaus growled and turned towards Grana, asking her, "What can we do now?" At that moment she also got up and said, "Yeah, right. What can I do to not to be pregnant anymore?"

The witch sighed deeply and looked at the girl while she told her, "Honey, the thing is you can't abort the baby. It's supernatural, it's a hybrid. If the kid dies you'll die too. If you get hurt the child will trie to heal you. You share a special bond with the kid now. Everything you'll do will have an influence on the newborn just like with a normal pregnancy only it's here intensified, the bond."

Caroline felt sick as if she would might faint again. No, no, no, this was bad, really bad for her. What shall I say to Tyler? She asked herself and suddenly tears were welling up in her eyes, but she managed to hold them back.

"So, I can't use the baby pill? No abortion?" She said in a hopeless voice. Klaus raised his eyebrow in wonderment and said, "Abortion? How can you think of that, love?"

Quickly, he told her firmly, "No, you won't do anything to this child, to mine."

"Your child?" Caroline exclaimed confused.

"Hello? I'm the one who is carrying it. It's actually more mine than yours," she hissed and crossed her arms. Klaus rolled his eyes at her behavior and declared, "But I'm the father. I basically procreated the baby in you."

She glared at him and said icily, "Don't remember me of it. I already know this." The original couldn't help, but chuckle at her respond. Sometimes she could be the sweetest if she was angry.

At once Grana cleared her throat and proclaimed, "I suppose I should go away and leave you two alone. If you need any help with the child, the pregnancy, you can call me and I'll help you." The last part was directed to the young vampire who nodded and muttered, "Thank you."

Klaus walked towards her and thanked her too, "Thanks, Grana. We appreciated your help and I'll call you if we need something."

She smiled and stated, "You are welcome, Klaus and you too, sweetie." She smiled at Caroline who returned her smile naturally. Then she said her goodbye and exited the house.

"So, we're only left then. What do you want to do, love?"

She frowned and said coldly, "Don't call me like that." She paused for a moment to think of something before she replied in a exhausted voice, "Can you just bring me home? I'm really tired."

"Of course, darling. I'll take you home, but you should know that this house is your home now too."

She sighed and pleaded almost, "I just wanna go into my room. Klaus, please." He nodded and grabbed her hand to take her out.

At the touch of his hand onto hers she felt this electric feeling which she had felt with him too when they slept together. A memory of her kissing him passionately appeared into her mind, but she quickly shoved it away. When they were outside Nik opened the passenger door for her and she got in. Next, he was in the car, staring the engine to drive off.

Soon they arrived at her house and he quickly stepped out of the car to hold the door open for the mother of his child. He accompanied her to her front porch and in that moment Caroline turned towards him and said in a small voice, "Thank you for the ride."

He smirked and gave back, "No need to thank, my love. I did it gladly."

She smiled brightly and a sudden urge to kiss his cheek for his sweetness overcame her. So, she moved forwards, closed the little gap between them and reached with her lips his cheek. Klaus who had noticed her reaction swiftly turned his face right in front of hers to meet her lips on his.

She was totally shocked when she felt his soft lips onto hers, but in that instant she didn't mind it, she even welcomed. She wrapped unconsciously her arms around his neck whereas he laid his around her waist to pull her closer. Her tongue found his way in his mouth and they deepened the kiss. A low groan of him was to be heard and she had to smile against his lips.

Suddenly, the realization of the moment hit her: She was kissing Klaus and enjoying it. Oh god, what am I doing? She asked herself. Quickly, she broke off the kiss and took a step back whispering, "Goodbye." He looked at first surprised, but then he understood and replied back, "Goodbye, Caroline." She looked after him, making his way to his car to drive away. Shen then sighed heavily and opened the door to go inside.

This day was making her crazy and she blamed the child for her quick changing mood swings. Maybe tomorrow will look different, she guessed and thought over her friends how she could explain them her sudden pregnancy. She knew one thing; she had to tell them the truth which was that she was carrying Klaus's child and she couldn't kill it. And strangely she didn't want to. She had always wanted to get married and have children, but as she turned into a vampire, she had forgotten her dreams, buried them all.

Still, it didn't feel right to be pregnant now. At this time she doesn't want to be a mother and if she wanted to, it should be Tyler's. But we can't always get what we want, right? She said to herself.

All the time thinking and sitting on the couch didn't solve her problems. She could only hope of help and support from her friends and her mom. Hopefully, her mother wouldn't be too angry with her when she received the news. She dreaded the day to tell her. All at once she shivered at the thought and went upstairs to rest in her room.


AN: So, this was the second chapter! How did you guys like it? Do you think it's good? Please, tell me if you do or don't! Please, just VOTE AND/OR COMMENT!!!!! Please, do me the favor :D And I'll love you till the end of time! ❤️❤️❤️😍👍😍Please VOTE/COMMENT!! Please! If not I won't write more!

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