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Angel' P.O.V

August 15

I begin to pack up, thinking about my life her at the ATL. I'm always gonna miss my friends ya know, and I'll never forget the memories I had here whether they were goof or bad, but I'm very curious about the life that awaits me in westside L.A.

As Im finishing up my packing, my phone automatically go's off, seeing that I have a facetime from Georgina. I accept as I put the last of my makeup in my makeup kit.

"Hey Monroe" she said with a gloomy expression. Something she does often when she's very down.

"Hey Love, what's with the sad emotion?"

"Your leaving me and Crystal, and your leaving is for good" she look like she was about to cry after she said that. Forgot to tell ya, she emotional.

"Awww babygirl please don't cry look Ill try to see if I can get you and Crystal to fly down here, deal?"

She smiled which gave me an known answer.

"I'll call you later mamas, have to finish packing and have to get some rest before I leave"

"Alright Monroe, remember to call before you leave and when you land" She said sternly.

"Alright" . I blew a kiss and ended the call and then signed. Yea, I'll miss everything here in the ATL.

*Next Day* August 16

Beautiful, blue clear skies, birds chirping, Trees standing tall and firm, and the sweet smell of Atlanta air. Ima miss it all. As I take the last of belongings to the car I start making important phone calls.

"Hello" she said

"Hey Crystal, just calling before I leave, I just wanted to say Ima miss ya and I love ya."

"Awww, I'm really gonna miss ya too, you be good down there in the L.A girl, laws knows what type temptations lie down there"

I shook my head, this girl is too much, probably being dramatic as we speak. "Girl you know me, trust me I got this" I said giggling.

"Mhm sure ya do"

"Yea, so I calm you when I land alright, kisses😙" She made kissy noises through the phone and I did the same. After that I put the last bag and the car and I was off to the airport.

As I sit in my seat and watch us get ready for take off, I get nervous. Ya girl Monroe has never been on a plane before, I can tell you I've never been so damn nervous in my life . But I calmed down and decided to sleep the rest of the way.

*3-4 hours later*

I grabbed my backpack and suitcase, and made my way off the plane and into the L.A airport. The smell of the air was very different, and the people look so, cultural. I look around for a sign of Aunt KeKe. And there she go's standing by the waiting area looking beautiful as ever.

"Aunt Keke!" I said smiling sounding enthusiastic.

"Angelia babygirl" she said walking up hugging me to death. "How you been babygirl" she said taking my bags.

"I've been good just tryna coop with his moving thing , already missing my friends and Cy" I said exiting the building.

"Awww hunny don't be sad, don't worry your gonna have alot of fun here in L.A and there's more options and things to explore" She said .

"Yea your right" I said giving a weak smile. As we loaded the car with the rest of my things we were off. As we drove around, I seen the pretty streets of L.A, It was niceeeee but nothing like no Atlanta, I'll see it when it gets dark.

As were still driving, I guess we enter my Aunt's neighborhood. Looks nice looking. She stops infront of a medium sized house, with a entry way for her car. I got out as the song Nite and Day by Al B Sure played thorugh. Woww like this house is really beautiful. No wonder they say L.A houses is bomb. I entered the house and immediately release the grip from my bags making them fall, I can't believe how beautiful the inside is. As I race upstairs to see what room belongs to me, I stop at the last door to my left. There's like a a lot of rooms in this hallway.

I opened the door and behold what I imagined. I looked around and the room was painting my most favorite color, red! "Ahhh oh my gosh, I can't wait to show the girls".

"I see you love your new room, Monroe" Auntie Keke said smiling with her arms crossed.

"Yes ma'am I do love it, its got everything I wanted and plus a lil spacious chill out spot in the corner" I pointed. "This is amazing thank you so much"

"No probably love, but Ima go out on the rules on regulations later but I have to go and I won't be back till late at night, alright" She said missing my head

"Alright Aunt I locked the door on your way out" I followed her down the stairs and said my final bye and locked the door. I turned around and jump with a joyful feeling . "wow I'm know this is just the beginning" I said as I raced up the stairs.

Okay so how I do?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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