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I got the strangest call today.

This call was so sudden and quick. I don't know how to react.

I was shocked that he had called me but also excited that he contacted me.

He also said he was in town and that he would like to speak to me.

So now I'm panicking because I don't know what to wear or what to say to him.

Jai and I weren't really that close, but we still had our ups and downs. He was chill. Maybe James' with him.

We were meeting in an hour at some coffee shop near by.

We were meeting in an hour at some coffee shop near by

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I changed and sat for a while.

I grabbed my purse and car keys and left the house.

Johnny was working so he wouldn't come in to visit me today.

I turned on the engine to the car.


I searched for him, I couldn't see him so I just sat at a random table.

I was hoping that no paparazzi saw me.

I was sitting when someone pulled a chair in front of me. I look up and see Jai. He was dressed in all black. He was wearing a hoodie. It wasn't cold at all, not even a bit.

"Hey?" I say as he sits down.

"Sorry I'm late. I got lost" he says.

"It's okay. So how you been?" I ask.

"I'm not here for me. I'm here for someone else"

"What?" I say confused.

"Tell me, how many years has it been since Luke..left." He looked at me and air quoted 'left'

I'm not sure what's happening.

"About five years?" I question.

"And has the gift stopped?" He asked.

"What?" I look at him.

"I know Luke sent you gift. Have they stopped?"

"Yes, two years ago." I look around.

"Do you get weird phone calls?" Jai questions.

"What is this? Twenty one questions ?"

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