Ugh Excercise

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Angel's right eye is gold and the other turquoise, and her hair is as long as the brown one, but hair style as the black and grey.
That is her black tiger form and obviously the pic I hadn't mentioned yet is who I picked to play her role.

Angel's Pov

It took us more than 23 hours to get from North Dakota to Phoenix Arizona,.... the reason you ask.

My dads fucking bladder is the size of a small marble, also because mom and dad fussing over how cold the car should be.

Mom saying its too cold and dad saying if it gets any hotter in here that he's going to sweat his sack off, and them getting pissed at me for being a sack of potatoes and laying down and sleeping.

I mean come on mom, you know I'd take dads side since were not as fragile as you are with the weather, and yes I meant fragile because it could be 112 and she could feel a slight cold breeze and it turns into walking into a fucking blizzard with her.

Well as we finally made it to the house I notice the moving truck wasn't here and smirked.

"Hey mom" I said still smirking

"What" she said

"We seem to be missing something important" I said

"What" she whispered and looked around

She then looked at me with a "what the fuck are you talking about, dumbass" look

And I nonchalantly waved my hands around and then pointed back to her and said

"Didn't you pay someone extra money to get here before us"

She scrunched her eyebrows and then it went to "oh fuck" then "those dumnass, motherfuckers"

And she rapidly started to dile in there number and started pacing impatiently when they wouldn't pick up.

"Whats up" dad asked

I smirked and looked at him and said through are link

"The bulking brothers aren't here with are stuff and mom is about to blow a casket"

He chuckled and said

"God they have bigger muscles than the hulk, all there veins popping out"

We both shivered to get rid of the nasty image, he then lightly elbowed me and pointed to the house

"Lets not stay and have to fear her wrath"

"More like have to fear her rash"

We both chuckled and ran inside.

Reason I said rash is because when mom is under a lot of stress and or anger she starts to break out in hives until she calms down, now enough about mom lets go back to meeeeeeee~.

As I went up stairs I picked the room farthest from my parents, reason, I'll let your imagination run wild with that.

As I finally got close to the door I opened it and was met with four black walls, well looks like I got some fun waiting for me, splatter paint and after get some roses and make my wall look awesome.

I started to get the jitters just thinking about it but was cut short when the truck arrived, uggggghhhh, lifting.

Few Hours Later

"Fucking kill us now" me and dad whined

"Quite your bitching and help me unpack" mom nagged

"How about we break and order some pizza" dad said with puppy dog eyes

Mom pondered a bit

"Fine, but you have to go get us some drinks, Im parched"

"She didn't even help us move the stuff from the truck, how the fuck is she parched"

"Let her be" dad said

I rolled my eyes and ran for the door

"Oh no you don't" dad yelled

And as I was about to grab the keys I was in a choke hold in one of my dads arms while the other reached for the keys.

After that we started are little ninja fight until I played dirty and kicked him in his kid maker.

He fell and I triumphantly left out the front door and into the driver side of my metallic Royal Blue 2012 GMC SIERRA 1500 HYBRID MPG.

My dad has a metallic candy apple one while mom and him bought me this one for me on my 15th birthday, but I couldn't drive my baby till my 17 birthday cause I got into a fight and they dont want me to get it scratched at school, whimper, I was drooling on the sidelines.

Mom has a hot pink Lamborghini Murcielago, well had I should say, she totalled it when my puppy decided he wanted to use the potty on her, insert evil smirk, hey I warned her but did she listen, noooo, cause mother nows best.

Well anyway as I hoped in I turned the A/C on and flipped through channels until I heard 7 years by Lukas Graham come on, and waited for my dad to walk his slow ass to my truck.

At The Store

"Hey are we getting the 2 liter or smaller" I asked

Dad thought for a minute and said

"2 Liter, it'll last us longer"

So I grabbed me two sprites and one 1 pepsi while dad grabbed the other three and we made are way to the cash register.

But I stopped halfway through making it out of the aisle cause I smelled that one fragrance that means your life is going to change.


"Okay" I thought

"If I run now and go through the self checkout he/she might not see me"

So I looked at my dad and smirked, challenging him to a race, he took heed to my challenge and we dashed to the self checkout, checking out at high speed and paying at the same rate, and we were out of there like a rocket.

But it wasn't over yet cause I smelt that the mystery mate followed us, so as the grown-up person that I am I raised my birds high into the air, dashed to the car with dad right behind me, reved the truck up and was out of there in a flash.

Dad looked at me weirdly but I ignored him and turned the radio up to 15, listening to Radioactive, tuning out the world and my tiger bitching at me.

"Well Zara I don't feel like being a love sick person, who looks and feels like a horn dog, can we just live life as it is then get all lovey dovey when I can settle down with a job and a house, please" I begged when we pulled up to the house

She pondered over it and then said

"Can I atleast see and talk to him/her"

"Will see, depends on how he/she acts" I said

She gave me smile showing her sharp canines and started to pur in happiness at my answer.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car and into the house, and then I died.

I guess we ran to fast, cause the scene before me is a panicking black panther, my mother, and a giant white lion dodging the carbonated drink that my mom is still holding, spraying it every which way, right then and there I got my phone out recorded a little bit, got me some pizza and wings, got my two drinks and went up into my room to enjoy my food, and video, over and over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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