Do You See It, Too?

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I walked out the door with one of my friends,
When suddenly the world bloomed to life in front of me.
The ground used to be simply green,
But swirls of red and yellow faded into view.
The trees were plain and simple,
But now they're different shades of green and brown.
The sky wasn't just a plain light blue with white patches,
It was deep purple and bright orange, the white clouds were hinted with yellow from the setting sun.
The mountains in the distance were now lilac and topped with light grey,
Instead of being boring and plain.
I turned to my friend,
And whispered so as not to disturb the peace,
"Do you see it, too?
The lilac and deep purple,
The bright orange,
The swirling red and yellow,
The dark brown and spring green,
The misty grey and pure white?
Do you see
That not every color is simple and plain,
But each is unique and beautiful?"
"Yes," she had said.
"I do see it."

But what about you?
Do you see it, too?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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