Chapter Twenty-Two

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Listen to the song, when they told me about this song. I just knew it was prefect for this chapter and just listening to it on repeat is what helped me finish this chapter.

Jesse's POV

        I looked in the mirror one more time as I made sure my tie was on straight. You would have told me a few months ago that Jane and Mark were going to get married; I would have said you were insane. However here we are getting ready for their winter wedding. I chuckled to myself, leave it up to Jane to want a winter wedding.

      I was happy for them none the less, they really were good for each other, in a weird and odd way. “Are you ready?” Adrian asked as he came up behind me. I turned to face him, he smiled as he fixed the rose on my lapel.

      “I think so, but I get the feeling like I’m forgetting something.”

      “Hmm do you have the rings?” I patted the pocket on my dress jacket. “Um how about the wedding gift?

      “On the kitchen counter next to the keys and Maddie’s diaper bag. Filled with her back up training pants, snacks, and toys. Then another bag with snacks for Peter and Hailey, also I told them to take one thing that will entertain them in case they get bored.”

      “Well dear husband I think you have everything covered. Now we just have to get everyone loaded into the car and drive to the church.” Adrian said.

      “Ok let’s go,” we loaded all the kids into the car and drove to the church. By the time we got there, the church was already pack. We found our seats in the front next to Adrian’s parents.

      “You two are cutting it close,” Adrian’s dad said.

      “I know we forgot how long it takes to get the kids ready.” Adrian said as the music started playing, we stood up as the wedding party made their way down the aisle. Wendy walked out first as the flower girl and then came Amanda and Holly with their groom’s men. I smiled as Jane and her father walked down the aisle, she looked beautiful and happy.

      We sat down as the preacher started the ceremony, I looked over at Adrian and his eyes were watery. This was the one thing he wanted for Jane, for her to find happiness again. After everything she has been through, she truly deserved this and all the happiness that is going to be coming her way.

      “Daddy when are we going to get cake?” Hailey asked as they cleared our plates from our meal. I knew that once she saw the cake she was going to want a piece of cake.

      “Well when your Aunt and Uncle want to cut the cake, it’s all up to them sweetie.” I said, she pouted her lips. We have only had them for a few months but they were quickly picking up all of Adrian’s habits. Especially the pouting, it was hard to ignore it because they were kids.

      “What if I ask them to cut it now?” she asked.

      “Hailey you can wait until they want to cut it, it’s rude to ask anyway.” She pouted some more and then sighed as she looked back to the cake. I didn’t want to be so tough on her because of what she went through, but I didn’t want her to get into the habit of pouting to get her way.

      “Now is the time for the happy couple to share their first dance as husband and wife.” The DJ said as Jane and Mark walked out to the dance floor. They both looked happy as they started to dance, I looked over to Adrian. He smiled as he watched them and moved to the beat of the song.

      “Daddy,” Hailey said as she tugged on my jacket. “Why don’t you ask daddy if he wants to dance?” I smiled.

      “Do you think daddy would like to dance?” I asked her, she looked at Adrian and nodded her head. “Ok then I shall ask daddy if he wants to dance.” I stood up and turned to face Adrian, he looked up at me and smiled as I stuck my hand out for him to grab.

      “Mr. Logan would you like to dance?” he grabbed my hand and stood up.

      “I would love too,” I led him out to the dance floor. It had been a while since we danced like this, it was a shame we couldn’t do it more often. He really enjoyed dancing, but now it was going to be harder to do. We had three kids now, but we would never trade them for nothing in this world, they were exactly what we wanted. “I wish we could dance more often.” Adrian said as we danced.

      “I was thinking the same thing, we could always just dance at home with the kids.” He chuckled as he rested his head on my shoulder.

      “True,” he said softly.

      “So time, what are your top five favorite moments?” I asked.

      “Five, the day we adopted Peter and Hailey. Four, the day Maddie was born. Three, the day we got married. Two, the first time we made love.” He lifted his head up and looked at me, he smiled and kissed me gently on the lips. “One, was the day I met you. I didn’t know that you were going to be the one for me and every day I am grateful you never gave up on me. What about you?” I smiled and kissed him again.

      “The same for me, except mine would be the first time you topped me.” Adrian blushed. “You know it’s been a while since you have done that,” I whispered to him.

      “Stop it, someone is going to hear you.” I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

      “Just so you know that the kids are staying with my parents tonight. So that means you and I have a night alone to ourselves. It will give us our chance to relive number two on our favorite moments.” Adrian looked at me and he smiled.

      “Have I mentioned how much I love your parents?” I chuckled.

      “A few times,” I dipped him and he laughed. I brought him back up and he smiled at me.


      He led me to our bedroom as soon as we got home, our clothes laid in piles on the floor as we laid down on the bed. His hands moved down my body as he stared into my eyes. The one thing I will always love about him is that his stare always makes me feel like he was looking straight into my soul.

       In that moment we share a connation no one will ever know, he leaned in and kissed me. My hands moved up his thighs as he kissed a trail down my body. I moaned as his lips wrapped around my member, I ran my fingers through his hair.

       Waves of pleasure washed over me as his head bobbed up and down on my member. He held onto my hips as he increased his speed, my back arched as I bucked my hips and came. He moved up and kissed me before he reached for the bottle of lube.

      I watched as he squirted some on his hand and rubbed it on his member. I laid back and felt the familiar cold, wet lube on my entrance. I took a deep breath as he slipped in his index finger, he work my hole until I was stretched out enough.

      I moaned as he pushed himself inside, he kissed my shoulder as he waited for me to adjust to him. I rolled my hip against him to give him the ok to move. He placed his hands on my hip as he thrust in and out. My hand wrapped around my member, I glided my hand up and down my member with every thrust.

      He moaned my name as his thrust in and out faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist to bring him closer. I need him closer, I needed him to hit my sweet spot. I moaned and arched my back as he hit it, waves of pleasure hit me. He leaned in and kissed me, he took my member into his hand again. I felt tightness building as I got close, Adrian’s thrust and strokes increased. I moaned as I came again, releasing my seed on both of us. He thrust a few more times before I felt his seed fill me.

      He collapsed on top of me as we rode out our orgasm. We both waited as our breathing returned to normal, Adrian pulled out leaving me feeling emptied. He kissed me deeply, “I love you Jesse.” He said as he stared at me, I smiled and ran my finger along his jawline.

      “I love you too Adrian,” I kissed him and rolled us over. “I love everything about you.” he smiled, there wasn’t anything I didn’t love about him, he was everything to me.

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