All Together Now

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'Layering casting of charm variants succeeds in overwriting activation and deactivation commands. No alterations to spell effect have yet been found, other than imposed changes. Original keyword restored by recasting original charm on subject.'

Twilight's heart was beating quickly. Prickles of nervous tension crawled up and down her back. She'd done the best she could to prepare; the tree house was spotless, Spike had been sent out for the day on an errand, and she'd carefully, inexpertly applied subtle makeup. She was dressed in a clean white blouse of silky material, and a neat, close-fitting skirt over dark tights. Even her small black shoes were polished. She looked, she knew, as though she was about to go on an important date. In a very real sense, she was.

Any minute now, they'd begin to arrive.

In the meantime, she had notes to make. It helped distract her from the waiting. 'Test plan: check if altered keywords can be used by previous casters of the original charm. Test if Luna is vulnerable to keyword overwriting. She is theoretically resistant to the modified charm as it is not focused on her magic, but may be made vulnerable by previous exposure to the original.'

That was the real question. If she could protect Luna that way, then...

A firm double knock on the door below sounded, snapping her out of her thoughts. The parchment coiled up, a tie wrapping around it twice, before it dropped into the warded box, along with her other dangerous notes. The lid snapped shut, a tidal wave of intangible wards flowing over the wood and sealing there.

The knock came again, slightly more impatient this time.

Vanishing in a flash, Twilight reappeared at the front door and cast a last nervous look around the impeccably tidy room, her eyes lingering on the six chairs waiting in a neat circle. The door swung inwards under her hand.

Her five closest friends were clustered about the door, sheltering from the light rain that was sweeping across Ponyville. A deep ache grew in her chest. The familiar ponies were so beloved, so precious to her, and yet so far away, across a gulf of experience that they had no idea existed. Twilight swallowed as she met their eyes, then stepped backwards. "Um, please come in, everypony."

"Hey Twilight! Hey! Hey! Where are the banners? Did you forget the balloons? Oh, Twilight! Don't worry, I brought enough for everyone!" Pinkie trotted inside, blowing a paper streamer. The others trooped in after her, casting curious looks at her as they took in her outfit.

Rarity closed the door behind her. Pausing at Twilight's side, she said confidingly, "You look simply wonderful, darling. Why, with a gentle touch here and there, you could outshine the most glamorous of Canterlot."

Applejack dropped into a chair, shaking her head at Pinkie with a smile as the pink pony began darting around the room, shooting papery confetti over neat piles of books. "Y'do look properly fancy, Twi. What's the occasion? Not that y'need a reason to dress up, but I figure there's a reason. Not been seeing much of you lately, we've all noticed."

Fluttershy nodded timidly, adding quietly, "Not that you, um, need a reason to, to want some time on your own, if everything's okay, really."

"Spill the beans, already. Is this a party, or what?" Rainbow's gaze contained a certain amount of appreciation for her tight clothes, Twilight noticed. Celestia had told them all - well, had almost certainly told them all - that they were just friends, but maybe 'friendship' for Rainbow Dash included sleeping together now and then. It made a certain amount of sense; Celestia had never defined what friendship meant, exactly. Maybe, if she'd have pushed things, she could have had Rainbow in her bed long before now.

Not that that mattered anymore. The key turned in the lock, then floated into Twilight's hand. The windows were magically reinforced, as was the door, and with the lock engaged, the house was sealed tight. No pony was leaving before she was finished.

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