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Ray's POV

I opened my eyes to see that Princeton's arms were wrapped around my naked body and i was pressed against his naked body. I gently moved his arms and tried to get up. My ass is sore.

I grabbed my phone and seen that I had some texts from Craig. it just reminded me about what happened at Starbucks. I then felt the tears stream down my face. I tryed to cry as low as possible but the emotions were built up. I guess I woke Jake up cus i felt his hands around my waist.

He wiped my tears with his thumb. He got off the bed and went to his dresser. "Can I have something to wear?" I said lowly. He looked at me, nodded, then went to his closet. he came back with a black shirt, basketball shorts, and some underwear. I smiled and walked to his bathroom.

"umm what do you think yo ass is doing!?" Jacob said hella ratchet. "how in the hell is you gonna take a shower and you ain't got no towel?!"

-_- this gay ass nigga -_-

"give me a towel then!" I said wanting to take a shower already.

he got a towel and threw it at me. I turned around and was about to walk in the bathroom. "And yes yo ass welcome!" he said still hella ratchet.

~•20 minutes later•~

I thought about a lot in the shower. When I turned the water off I heard Rednose on. I got dressed and opened the bathroom door to walk out.

I walked out to see Jacob twerking. HARD. I shut the door loud enough so he could hear me. He turned and looked embarrassed. I laughed and he grabbed a towel and pushed me out the way so he could get in the bathroom. I fell on the floor laughing.

Jacob's POV

Yes, I would be the Guy in the relationship but I like to act ratchet sometimes! Don't judge me!


Here's a little something! :) Next chapter will have a lot of drama :)

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