Chapter 1

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Hi guys so I just thought I´d give you a heads up, this story will jump in time quite alot at the first few chapters but it´s needed to get the story going, I´ll try to be as clear as I can but if you don´t follow on all the time changes just ask :)

Scarlets Pov:

"Scarlet what happened?" Nialls face turned into a frown from confusion and anger, I didn´t say anything, to be honest I couldn´t, my cheek was too swollen so opening it was quite difficult "He did it again, didn´t he?" Niall asked and I saw his eyes water

"Scar I´m so sorry, I should´ve been there to stop him" tears were sliding down his cheeks now and I started to regret coming over, he didn´t need to see me like this, I knew it hurt him when he wasn´t able to protect me but I didn´t have anyone else, Niall was the only one I could turn to, he was the only one that knew what I was going through.

Without a word he held his arms out for me and I hurried into them, burying my head into his neck, he held me as tight as he could and drew cirkles on my lower back to soothe me, we staid like that for a while until he picked me up and carried me up to his room, he placed me on his bed and laid down next to me, pulling me closer and, again, wrapping his arms around me, just holding me close, I could hear the sobs coming from him and felt the tears fall onto the top of my head but he didn´t say anything, we both laid like that for hours, crying, me from the pain and fright and him for feeling useless and worthless for not being able to save me, but it really wasn´t his fault.


This had been happening most of my life, the abuse I mean, you see my mom was just a child when she got me, well not really a child, she was a teenager but I count that as a child, and like in any other story the guy didn´t stick around, oh no, my dad ran as soon as he found out about me, leaving my mom to raise me alone.

She really was you know, alone I mean, her parents didn´t want anything to do with her either once they found out so she was left to raise me all alone, I really love her for it and not once has she blamed her tough life on me, even though it´s quite obvious I ruined it.

I mean she had everything, a loving family, good grades, friends, a boyfriend, a future, but when I got in the picture everything went away, and still she says I´m the best thing that´s ever happend to her, yeah right, but I still love her for saying it. 

When I was three years old she met John, they dated for a while and then got married so as you probably guessed, John´s my stepdad, he didn´t do anything at first, it all started when I was five, he didn´t really hit me back then but he´d grab my arm really tight, leaving bruises that would last for days, I remember the day I started school, I was so relieved because he wouldn´t be able to hurt me for hours.

Of course that didn´t work out so well, the first day of school and I was already picked on, this guy would shove me around, calling me names, that´s when I met Niall, he saw what the boy was doing to me and decided to save me, he beat the guy up and told me he´d keep me safe and for once I actually felt safe.

But when I got home that day the real abuse started, John hit me for being late and after that day he´d hit me for anything, you might think I´m stupid who hasn´t told my mom, but how could I? She´s happy with him and I already ruined her life once, how could I do that again, just because I can´t take the pain? No, as long as he doesn´t hurt her, I´ll endure it, I´ll do it for her.

The next day in school, Niall asked what had happened with my face and I told him I fell, he was only a seven year old boy so you can´t really blame him for believing me, can you?

As the years went me and Niall became closer and closer, he really was my best friend and we told eachother everything, well almost everything, I still didn´t tell him what happened everyday I got home but he didn´t need to know, this was my pain to live with.

The older I got the worse the abuse got and at the age of twelve I couldn´t take it much longer, I needed someone, someone to keep me safe.

This day was worse then ever, he wouldn´t stop hitting me, I was bleading and I thought I was really going to die when the phone rang and he went to answer it so I ran, I ran as fast as I could and to the only place I´d feel safe, I banged on the door as loudly as I could and when it finaly opened a confused Niall stood there, yawning since it was after one in the morning

"Scarlet what´s happened to you?" I heard the worry in his voice and saw his eyes shift from confusion to worry, to sadness and to anger "Who did this to you?" I opened my mouth to say some lie but his feature hardened "And don´t tell me some shit lie about you falling, Scar you´ve been showing up like this way too many times, I know you´re clumsy but there´s no way you´re that clumsy and I´ve kept my mouth shut long enough, I wanna know, who´s doing this to you?" he was yelling now and I took a step back, afraid he´d hit me too, his face softened and he looked terrified

"No Scar, I´d never do that, I´d never hurt you" he was panicking now and I felt bad for him, he sighed, knowing I wouldn´t tell him anything, and held his arms out, just like he always did when I showed up crying like this, you see even though I never told him, I still went to him for comfort, he was my shining knight. 

So that´s the first chapter and I can´t wait to see what you guys thougt :P So don´t forget to vote and comment =) Xx

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