Chapter 3 Daye's Future

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"It's okay mommy will be back." Kaye was holding onto my leg. I was dropping her off, it was her first day of school.

"Come here honey, want to play with the dollies? Come on, lets go make some friends. Then we can play, ooh that'll be fun. Then we can go to sleep?" Mrs.Newmen kept talking stupid to Kaye. I gave Mrs.Newmen a look. Mrs.Newmen was Kaye's teacher.

"Want to you know, just kinda yank her off my leg?" I made sure I said it in a stern tone to Mrs.Newmen with a sarcastic twist.

"I love you baby, when I get off of work I'll come get you and we can get ice-cream." I told Kaye.

"What sort of ice-cream?" Kaye asked.

I bent down, kissed her on the cheek. "Our favorite." I laughed.

"You mean the minty one?" her face was red from her crying, her black hair was now a tangled mess. My favorite part was how her eyebrows were raised, and lips were in the famous pouty form.

"Yeah, the minty one." I got up blew her a kiss and left.

I got in my car, and rest my head on the driving wheel. Buzz Buzz. It was my phone. I looked at the caller ID, it was my husband. I bursted into tears, and rejected the call.

"You got to get it together Daye. You have to." I whispered to myself. I straightened my posture, looked into the review mirror, adjusted it, and drove off. Buzz Buzz. It was my phone again, this time it was my work.

"Hello." I said in a sophisticated manner.

"Mrs.Gwenene just a reminder, don't forget about your photo shoot today at 11:30; then you have a meeting with your staff at 5:00." my secretary said.

"Oh damn it, I totally forgot. Okay I'll be there as soon as possible." I hung up the phone.

My secretary's name is Lizzy. The best employee yet. Traffic was terrible during the mornings of August. Everybodys trying to get to the beach while the day is young.

I finally got there, but just in time. My assistants took my coat and bags. I sat down in the makeup studio, and let the make up artists do the rest.

"If I would've remembered about today I wouldn't have done my makeup." I told the make up artist. We both laughed. After she finished I went over to put on my outfit.

"Not bad, not bad at all." My photographer said while shaking his head.

I spun around for him. "Yeah I totally forgot about the photo shoot today."

"Well, you didn't do bad at all Daye, your outfit is fabulous."

"Thanks Nate." I gave him a friendly hug. I was wearing a black pencil skirt about knee length, a black fitting business jacket that flared out towards my waist, and my leathered open toed pumps. My hair was slicked back in a pony tail, so I can show off my brand new ear rings. "I would much rather wear something else though."

"You got it." He smiled.

After I was dressed I went over to were the photo shoot took place. I sat down.

"Beautiful." Nate told me.

"Thanks, did I ever told you that when I was younger I use to want to be a model?" I said to Nate.

"I'm not surprised at all." Nate said.

"Your in a good mood today." I said while sipping at my drink.

"Well, I am getting married in exactly two weeks!" He confirmed. Nate fit into more of the flamboyant category, he was gay.

"That's right! I'm so excited for you! You got your tux and everything already right?" I asked.

"Oh yes. Vera Wang. Enough about me right now, we can do that later, lets take pictures for the next magazine. It's not often Magazine Editors get photographed for a magazine." we laughed.

I smiled, and posed. Then smiled some more and posed some more.

"Tilt your head to the left, and lift your chin." Nate instructed me."Okay a couple more frames, then we'll finished."

When we were finished I don't think I could have taken another photo in my life. My cheeks were throbbing.

"Yeah, I'm thankful I went into the writing industry instead of the modeling. " I complained to Nate.

"About that, how did you end up here in the writing industry?" Nate asked.

My face turned serious. "I chose to put modeling aside for something else." I said while messaging my cheeks."and I just you know, ended up here."

"And what would that be Ms.Daye?"

"Nothing that wasn't worth it." I smirked.

Nate sat there for awhile trying to figure out what I meant by that. He was talking to himself, asking himself questions, and using his fingers to help organize his thoughts.

"Nate, I'm saying that not getting into modeling was worth the reason why I didn't get into modeling." I smiled, he still was more baffled than a math teacher teaching english.

"Anyway, what was the....... reason why the worth...... of not getting into modeling was...... worth it?" Nate said questionably.

"Um, it was a long time ago. I was only about 17. I'd rather not talk about it." I went back into the dressing room, and changed back into the outfit I was wearing earlier. Buzz Buzz. I get use to my phone going off especially with the industry I work in. Without looking at the caller ID I answered the phone.

"Yeah?"I said while buttoning my jacket.

"Hey babe." It was my husband.


"I made reservations for us tonight at that one restaurant you love. What do you say? You me tonight 5:30?" He sounded so enthusiastic.

"I would love to but I can't."I tried to choose my words carefully.

"I have a meeting tonight at 6:00." I lied, what was getting into me. "Well really 5:45, but you can never really count on people to be there on time." I nudged the phone between my shoulder and cheeks while I pulled my skirt up.

"Every time? Why everytime, I try to do something nice for the both of us your "working", if you don't want to just be real with me about it!" His voice was full of frustration

"Well what do you me to do? Cancel the meeting for the second time already, for one of the most important meetings for my staff? I've needed this meeting for six months now." I said back in a stern voice.

"Whatever Daye, you can't keep pushing me away. You say you love me one minute and can be so affectionate; but then the next I reach out for a kiss and you'll say something like "not now", I don't get it Daye, it's like were not even a couple."

"Anthony!" I didn't know what else to say so I just hung up the phone. Maybe he was right. Was I pushing him away? I don't even know. I just put my hands over my forehead and tried to calm down.

The meeting ended in about half an hour.

"Alright, just remember the guidelines I gave you, and follow all of the procedures. Remember all the procedures differ, and are unique to each one of you, so don't take any shortcuts. These reports are due next Friday. That'll be all for tonight. Thank you." I dismissed the meeting early. I know what I should do, I should call my husband and say that the meeting got done early. But I couldn't, instead I got in my car and drove to the graveyard.

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