The Next Day

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*Lisa's POV*

So I went home that nonstop thinking about that guy that saved me I

I just felt something when I looked in his eyes at that very moment theres

no way that I could be crushing on this guy I might not even see him

again. Hey guys Im going to the beach to walk ill be home in an hour I

yelled as I walked out the door so I made it to the beach and I was

walking and guess who I saw yep thats right I seen the guy that saved

me while I was falling off stage so I am thinking should I go talk to him

what if I embarrass myself again just no I am not risking it again and

then I turned around and kept walking and I felt a tap on my shoulder I

turned around and it was him so I went Hey there and He gave me a

me a smile went " Do you mind if I walk with you"? he asked No I don't

mind at I said in excitement so as he was walking "so how old are you"?

I am turning 20 this month what about you? "I am turning 20 this month

as well" Oh really? I said curiously when is your birthday? September

19th he answered and I went O my gosh so is mine! I said hyperly as he

was looking at me like I was insane and he started laughing and he said

"well that is awesome so you only have 5 sisters? he asked "No I

answered" I also have 5 brothers there is Micheal who is 24 Alex who is

17 and Christian is 11 and Nick is 10 and Joey is 9 " O wow I bet its nice

to have a big family like that I have 2 younger sisters and thats it" he

answered we moved here from Sacramento I added " Are you instrested

in music?" I asked him "Oh yeah he answered he goes I played guitar and

piano and drums ever since I was 5" he added it amazing of how much

we have in common and I looked at the time and realize its 5 minutes

until I have to be home and I said sorry I have to go home nice meeting

you again and he goes "wait Ill walk you there" and I just went okay and

we kept walking then we finally got to my house and He goes Lisa I dont

know about you but I had an wonderful night I hope we can do it again

sometime" he said smiling "Yeah me too so one thing whats your name?

I asked he went "My name is Trevor ,Trevor Moore" and I just fell in love

cause I absoutely love that name and I said well goodnight Trevor" with

a smile I was trying to hurry because I noticed Christina and Dani looking

through our window and he goes "wait whats your number so we can do

this again "so I gave him my number and I went back inside and yes I got

teased by chrissy and dani and they asked if that was the guy that saved

me and I said yes yes it was with the biggest smile on my face and

christina goes "you like him don't you?" and I went maybe I do? and she

ended it with an Awwwww and I told the weenie to shut it but I went to

my room and checked my phone and seen that trevor texted me

T- Hey :)

L-Heeyyy :)

T- I had an amzing night with you tonight Lisa :) even if it was only an hour

L- I had a great time too Trevor and I know I wish it wouldve been longer

T-Can we do it again tommorrow afternoon?

L-sure :)

T- great well goodnight lisa :)

L-Night Trevor :)

wow this night has been amazing I just wish I could tell him that I have f

feelings for him.

*Trevor's POV*

Wow last night was just amazing because I got to be with Lisa she is

one amazing girl she is so sweet, beautiful, and talented and I am

I am hanging out with her this afternoon I am actually really excited so

I got dressed and texted Lisa

T- Hey Lisa still going to the beach today?

L- Yeah be there in 5?

T- that will work :)

so today I am thinking about asking Lisa on a date and I hope it goes

well so I made it to the beach and seen Lisa and I went up to her and

greeted her and she goes Heyy! and I went Hello there so we started

walking in the sand and she goes " I still don't know how to repay you"

" Repay me for what"? and she goes "saving me trevor" and I am thinking

this is a good time to ask her on that date so I went for it and well "Lisa

you do not have to repay me for anything but im going to ask you a

serious question and please don't feel like you have to do this...

but as I was getting ready to ask her we got interuppted by Lauren and

Dani coming up to lisa and telling her that she needed to get home so

they can rehearse so lisa went "Sorry Trevor I have to go" she had a

disappointed look on her face but I have to say I was very disappointed

so as I got home I went to check my phone and Lisa texted me

L-Hey I am so sorry I had to take off like that

T- Its okay Lise :)

L-So what did you wanted to ask me?

T-Its not important anymore

L-Okay? well I gtg bye!

so how am I gonna ask Lisa on a date now I dont want to screw anything

up with her I mean I want to be with her but I cant just ask her yet.

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