We were Meant to Be

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We Were Meant to Be (Chapter 1)

            “Mom, why do we have to move?” I wined as she loaded up the last of the boxes.

            “You know exactly why, and we are not going to discuss this again.” Yeah I do know why. My family has to move because of me. Only mom and I know the real reason Matt, my brother, thinks it is because mom got a new job, but really, it is because of whom my father was.

            Yes, I said was as in he is dead. He died when I was younger to protect me. Nevertheless, I have always wondered what he was protecting me from; until this summer. Last June I shifted my first time. Thank God, mom knew exactly what was happening it would have been a bitch explaining to her that I was a werewolf. Well, half-werewolf that is. Only one in five billion half wolves survive conception and only half of them are born.

            Me being half wolf isn’t why we have to move though: it’s the fact I am a wolf that we have to. Living in Los Angles is not good for wolves there is no place to run, and little miss inside me is itching to get out and be free.

            “Okay that’s all of it so get in the car.” Whoa, hold on I’m not riding with her I have to drive my car.

            “No, mom remember I have to drive Big Bird.” Yes, I named my bright yellow Neon.

            “No you’re not taking that thing with us, I’ll get you a new one.”

            Grumbling I get in the truck, but before I get in Matt runs out in front of me and calls shotgun. Um I don’t think so. I fling the truck door open and grab my six foot four fifteen year old brother by the back of the shirt and throw him on the ground.

            “W-w-when did you get so strong Jess?” I don’t even know my self.


As we pull into Hell I mean our new town mom starts to get nervous, so I tune into her thoughts.

            Oh I hope Jessie don’t get mad at me, but the Alpha said since she was under age she had to live in the pack house. It was either that or be killed.

            I give mom a reassuring smile that way she knows that I’m okay with it. Next thing I know we’re pulling into a building that looks like a hotel.

            “Jessie get your bag Hun,” Wait this is the pack house?!? I give mom a hug and rush forward to knock on the door.

            “Whatever it is that your selling we don’t want any,” Wow! This girl is pretty.

            I laugh, “No, I’m not selling anything. My name is Jessie. My mom told me that I had to live here because I’m-“

            “Oh! I am so so sorry! Please forgive me Luna!” Okay why the hell is she bowing down at my feet? What the hell is a Luna? “Please let me take you to the Alpha at once.” Trying not to smile I follow her into the unknown.

            We stopped at a door, and she knocked. “I’m busy.” Said a muffled voice.

            “Well get unbusy because you probably would like to meet someone.”

            The door opened, “Julie, you better have a good-“ he looked me in the eyes and I felt an instant connection. Next thing I know this stranger has his arms around me and is trying to kiss me. I quickly back away, “What the hell? Why are you trying to kiss me?”

            “You don’t know?”

            “Don’t know what?”

            “Julie, take her bag up to my room; we have something to talk about.” When Julie left this stranger ushered me into the room. Everything was okay until I saw her. There was a skank sitting on his desk in nothing but a men’s button up shirt, unbuttoned. “Kristie, get out of here I never want to see you again. I have found my mate.”

            “Excuse me?” I finally speak up, “what do you mean mate? Shouldn’t I have felt something?”

            “No because you are half.”

            “Care to explain?”

            He sighs, “One of your parents was a werewolf. So you have every skill that a werewolf has only times ten, except you cant sense who your mate is.”

            “How do I know you’re not lying?”

            “Because I already love you, and I don’t even know your name.” Well, that was unexpected.

            He loves us! My wolf cried gleefully.

            What if he’s lying? I asked her.

            She stubbornly replied, He’s our mate it’s impossible for him to lie to us.

            “So what’s your name?” I finally say out loud.

            “Chase, and yours?” His name suits him.

            “Jessie, but everyone other than my mother calls me Jess.”

            “Well then, Jess I love you.” Oh God, what do I say?

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