Damm my Eff'd up life

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Hey everyone, Again thanks to all my lovely readers!

I am so blessed to have you guys as fans, especially for my first story - please recommend to your wattpad friends if you think its worth sharing!!

Please Vote, comment and FAN!!

PS - it gets a little HOT at the end!


Standing in Van's veranda I took a deep breath, I didn't want him to know I was scared. Perhaps being firm with Vale would make him calm down.

"First of all, what the hell do I call you? Is it Nate or Vale, because in all honesty I'm confused as hell?" I growled down the phone. Van hearing me growling stood in front of me demanding for me to hand him the phone. Shaking my head and turning away I waited for the reply.

"aww baby don't be angry, Vale is my nickname from when I travelled in Europe, you can call me whatever you want. I prefer your old nickname for me, 'babe'. "

"Fine, Nate it is, secondly, don't you dare threaten my mother, what type of person are you for gods sake. You claim to care for me and then you turn around and say something like that, seriously that's just effin insane" I growled.

"I'm pissed off baby, what do you expect. Come home to me now and we will talk about this rationally, I promise I won't get to close, unless you want me to that is" Nate purred.

"Unless it's skipped your thoughts we're brother and sister now, so you can't talk like that anymore its gross" I said hoping that would deter him.

"No baby, you and Levi are brother and sister, I'm adopted its not gonna break any rules". He said quickly. "Now come home, I wanna talk to you about a few things, him being one of them, why they hell is he calling you his girlfriend, hurry up and get home now so we can sort out this rubbish. I have some business to deal with while I'm here and I don't want it to interfere with our reunion" he said impatiently.

"I'm spending some time with a family friend for a few days" I said quickly.

"Who's this friend?? It better not be a boyfriend" he growled.

"Whatever Nate, we're not a couple anymore remember, I told you that the night you tried to RAPE me, you have to stop with this crap" I replied.

" I told you sorry about that, I was drunk and you just smelt and looked so good, I really am sorry about that baby you know that. You're the only girl I have ever loved, I don't want to lose you.....you loved me too once" Nate replied.

It's true, in the beginning he was the sweetest boyfriend I could ask for, he's was so handsome, clean cut, smart, generous, and funny. He would go out of his way to do everything for me. But the minute we exchanged the L words to each other he had become obsessive controlling and over the top. I shook my head, I had made the right decision, and I'm now that I've found my mate I'm not going to let him ruin my chance of happiness.

"Nate, I'll talk to you later alright, I'm gonna get going Evander is waiting for me" I said quickly.

"When are you coming home?" he said finally given up on me coming home right away.

"I'll be home on Friday, in the mean time you really really need to get it through your head that we are over, we're a family now I don't want to be afraid to come back to my own home" I said hoping he would finally get the hint.

"Whatever you say baby, I still love you and we will have that talk when you get home on Friday" Nate said. "I might even pop into your school and say hi, I'm sure there's a few people that will be happy to see me".

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