Chapter One

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His brown hair is nicely fixed and his amazing tan skin so appealing, and his eyes are just so hypnotizi- oh crap I'm looking straight into his eyes! I quickly look down to my text book and I can hear him chuckle. I feel my face burn up and I just continue with my work. Then our horrible teacher screeches. Literally.

"What the hell?!" He jumped back and realized that the rats I hid in his drawers were fake. I quietly giggled at my success.

The teacher angrily throws the fake rats in the trash. And that's what you get for insulting Cameron yesterday.

Although I don't talk to him and he doesn't talk to me, I really like him. He is smart, kind and caring, funny, athletic, and as a bonus he's hot.

As for me I'm this school's rebel. And it's so funny because no one will ever expect it's me. I'm so quiet and shy and a "nerd" who is just so innocent. Which is actually true.
But with a hidden identity, I am fearless, sneaky, perceptive, bringer of justice, fast, and a prankster.
Well that's what I think I am. And if anyone finds out my identity I could be in a lot of trouble.

I stay quiet in my desk and I overheard a conversation.

"What's for lunch today?"

"Ughh its that nasty chicken noodles. I swear that gave me food poisoning the last time because I felt so nauseous."

"This school still sucks. Although... Thanks to the school rebel, he or she made this school suck less. He even some how managed to have teachers give us less homework."

"I know and honestly I never thought that I'll be able to actually hang out with you and the others. Instead of doing homework and studying."

"Yeah, but it'll be cool if he can change our lunch. But I guess they have limits on what they can do."

I giggled. Don't underestimate my limits. But in all seriousness though, I have a companion, Daniel, who is like my counterpart. Except he knows a lot about computer systems. We hacked the school system and we found out what they were feeding us. Well not me and Daniel because we don't eat school lunch. Anyways, they were feeding them everything canned, packaged, or bagged. Mostly stuff from food banks.

We also found out the school fundings last month. Which was over a million dollars. With the way the school looks the selfish principal kept the money. No wonder he has a really expensive car. Soo. We did some planning. Which took three weeks.

Our first action was we did a little upgrade on the cafeteria and the library during spring break two weeks ago by emailing some reconstruction companies. You should have seen the look on Principal Martin's face. But the food was still being used by the ones by the food bank.

And for this week we emailed the Nutrition Association to provide us with fresh food starting this week, emailed the lunch helpers to discard the old food and use the ones provided by the N.A. But we still have few more plans to go.

The bell rings for lunch and everyone sighs. This time me and Daniel will actually eat lunch. Although we were a bit worried if we, the smart kids, sit together in lunch for the first time, but I'm the only one who knows he's good with computers, and since we were both the least suspects of being the rebel we have no worries. I meet with Daniel and as soon as we into our nice cafeteria everyone was freaking out.

Now we have a good cafeteria AND good food. We lined up and we get our fresh and organic food. Me and Daniel sat at a small table and we fist pumped to our sucess. We grabbed our water bottles and did a "toast."

"Our success."

"Our success."

"Um to what?" Me and Daniel turned around quickly to see Cameron smiling.

"Um.. We passed our test." I say and I mentally facepalm because there wasn't any tests last week. And it's a Monday.

"What test?" He asks sitting in our table. And I can feel myself starting to burn up.

"A test our dates gave us." Daniel said. I sigh in relief and smile.

"Yeah this girl gave me a test but more like a mission. It's personal." And his smile fell and looked a bit unhappy. And that effects me too. Because I like him.

"Oh. So you have a girlfriend?" He asks.

"No it was just a date. I don't think I want to go out with her. Right Danny?"

"Yeah. We don't feel anything big."

And his face lits back up like before. Wait. Could he possibly like me? I mean if he does why? It doesn't make much sense. I'm smart, but when it comes to romance, the only type I know is the literature type, romanticism.

"Oh! Okay but hey do you guys wanna hang out? Just us."

I mentally screamed. Then Daniel leaves me hanging,

"Nah I have to do some work." Oh yeah. He needs to make sure his computer is monitoring changes in the school system. But still! Alone with Cameron?

"Shawn?" He looks at me with those beautiful ey- aw man those eyes again!

"Um. Yeah sure why not?" He smiles and pats my back. He asks for my number and we exchange our numbers.

"Okay I'll text you." I nod and he gets up and sits with his friends. Me and Daniel sigh heavily.

"Jesus. What the hell was that?" I say my heart beating fast.

"I don't know. You almost blew it."

"Sorry but its Cameron. The Cameron Dallas. And thanks for leaving me alone with him."

"Hey I know how you feel about him, besides... I think he likes you too." He says teasing.

"I know. And as much as I like him too, I cant go out with him. It'll blow our cover."

"Oh come on. It won't be that bad. Just only hang out with him. Nothing more. And when everything in this school is finally done you can take it further."

"Good idea. So for now I'll be into girls when I'm with him."

Well not everything can be perfect. But I hope this isn't an obstacle.

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