Raven's Pov

I opened my eyes slowly, to the sound of distant screams and the smell of ash. Slowly sitting up, I took in the smooth rock walls of my small room. I changed into my everyday black dress, and walked into the main room of my family's home. The gray stone of the counter was so smooth that I could see my reflection in it. Pure white, pale skin, long dark hair, and pure black eyes with no white parts. In case I sound like I look strange, don't worry. Almost all female caranai look the same. Yes, I am a caranai. Or, in English, a demon. I live in Hell. Okay. I'll just give you a minute to process that. Meanwhile, I slipped on the black dress I wore every day. My mom, even taller and paler then I am (which is very pale, since I'm practically a sheet) stood talking with my father. He had a small beard and short hair, both dark and slicked down. He also had the thick and short horns that were standard for adult male demons, as were teeth that were manually sharpened to a point. My mom quickly turned around and said sharply to me, "Hurry now. We have been summoned by Lord Hades himself." That's another thing you might be surprised at. Many mortals do not think Hades exists. But he is real, and he rules over all the dead. Everyone that has made mistakes and not apologized to the big man in the sky, that is. My full name is Ravanna, but most others call me Raven. After the omen of death in many cultures. I am a 24 year old female caranai. But you probably already figured most of that. Didn't you, fanfiction lovers. Actually, scratch that. I don't know what I'm talking about. My family and I exited the house, to see the hellish (hahaha) landscape. Imagine an unbelievably huge cave, as high as two skyscrapers. There is an area as wide as a city lit by red torches on sticks in the ground. Beyond that, thousands, maybe even millions of miles of darkness. There are about 12 huge holes in the ground. On the outside of the rows of holes are the village of cottages where the caranai live, Hades's palace, and the building of judgement. At the building, mortals, their bodies turned completely black are judged depending on their level of wrongdoing and condemned to a certain kind of torture. Fire, animal attack, or loneliness are some examples. We walk in a path between the torture holes for a full 10 minutes, till we come to the palace of Hades. There are adult female demons walking around everywhere. One possible vocation for me when I'm older is to serve at the palace. We walk into the grand marble entryway and are escorted into the throne room. Hades is about 7 feet tall, with pure red skin, a long forked black beard, and a cloak. He seems to radiate darkness, and a kind of power that makes you just want to bow down. He looks up, and I notice that his black eyes are embedded so deep into his skull that his whole face is in shadow. He says, in a booming voice, "Can little Ravanna please come forward? Her little mommy and daddy can stay back." I come forward, staring at the ground. He sneered at me and boomed, "I need you to go to the mortal world and torture someone. He is doing too much good, so he needs to be punished. By having his heart broken. Not that it matters, since you don't know him, but his name is Phil Lester."

*** Author's Note***

Hey! I know this chapter was a bit slow, with lots of descriptions. But, pretty soon Raven is actually going to meet Dan and Phil, so things will hopefully speed up. I hope you like the concept, I just wanted to do something very different. Remember to vote if you liked this part. Bye, see you next time my lovelies.

Thanks for reading,


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