Something that could be counted as a tiny trigger warning.  There is a quick mention of making people hurt themselves, and saving people from suicide is mentioned.  

Raven's POV

If you are confused, let me explain.  Have you ever, as a mortal, met someone who just seemed determined to annoy, hurt, or break you?   Maybe even all of the above?  Did they seem nice at first?  It could have been that gorgeous guy that you dated for a month before he left you.  Or that friend who was super sweet, pretty, and always there for you.  Until she up and told the whole school your deepest secrets.  Demons are sent to earth all the time to hurt those people that behave too nicely.  To make them sin, or hurt themselves (emotionally, or even sometimes physically)  or others.  You might wonder how I can stand to do something that horrible.  The answer is that to me, it's just how things are.  Perfectly normal.    "No offense, my Lord, for I am nothing compared to you, but why are you telling me this yourself.  You, no doubt, have more important things to do then deal with me."  This made Hades laugh, and the floor shook slightly.

"Oh my daaahhrling.  Aren't you hilarious.  I wouldn't, normally, but this is a special case.  You aren't hurting someone who helped their friend through depression, or even someone who stopped a girl from suicide.  The man you are hurting has saved hundreds of people.  According to them, he has brought light  to their lives."  When he said the word "light", he snarled.  

"But then, Lord Hades, why me?  Why not some more experienced demon?" I can practically hear me mother in my head commanding me to stop asking so many questions, but Hades just laughs again.

"Phillip is a young man.  He will naturally be more drawn to and open up more to a pretty young lady like you.  Also, your youth and inexperience with the human world makes it easier for you to shape your mortal personality to compliment Phil's.  I will now pass you off to my Head of Human Integration, Jandro."

I nod and go with another mustached caranai.  We go into a separate chamber and talk over the specifics of my mission.  There are going to be 3 stages.

1. Meet and endear myself to Philip Micheal Lester and also his best friend, Daniel James Howell.

2.  Make the one known as Phil fall in love with me.

3.  Break Phil's heart in a despicable way, leaving him depressed and broken.

I had been assigned to this mission moths ago, but only told today, since the flat where demons already living on Earth knew was next to Phil's only became available recently.  I was to use my charm in addition to money to snag both the flat and the man.  There were already demons planted all over Earth, all with jobs.  I had to get a job within a week of arriving on Earth to get money for myself, as the allowance that I am provided with will only last for so long.  Jandro lectured me about basic human information, and specifically humans in England.  I was also given a book to read containing all the other human information I needed to know.  Anything else I can learn.  Equipped with a backpack containing human items I needed such as currency, "makeup", the book about humans, and maps of the land I will be planted in, I was almost ready.  All of the items from the human world that I needed were brought back from Earth by other demons.  Next, I changed into a pair of black pants that I learned were very common for humans (they also come in blue, and sometimes other colors.  They are called jeans)  and a plain blue t-shirt.  To finish off my outfit, I slipped black "Converse" on my feet.         

I looked at my reflection in the smooth marble.  I looked over to see Jandro holding out a black pill.  "What's this?"

"This is a pill to help you blend in.  It contains water, soil, and dust from Earth.  The essence of the human world.  It will allow you to speak the native language of your victim and look more human, too."

I slowly took the pill from his hand a bit into it.  It tasted dusty and chalky.  After a minute of trying not to cough and sputter, as well as ignoring the wave of nausea,  I glanced back at the mirror like marble. Although I was still deathly pale, my skin was now more opaque.  My eyes now had the white rim around the outside.  I suddenly had an urge to talk in English.  ENGLISH!  How is that even possible?  No matter.  Jandro was leading me through palace hallways to a room with "London" scratched on the wall above the doorway.  Inside was a single, spiral staircase made of rusty, creaking metal.  He handed me a simple leather bound journal and a black pen with a small white skull made of ivory on the top.  "Anything you write in this journal will disappear quickly, and be received by us.  Write status reports often, and tell us any major problems that occur.  We will try to write back with advice.  Good luck, and happy heart breaking."  I nodded, and placed the journal in my purse.  Then, I tentatively stepped forward and started up the winding staircase.  I rest my hand lightly on the railing and start upward.  It's a large staircase that disappears into the ceiling of the cave room.  Soon, it's just the steps, with less then a foot between the railings and the stone wall of the tubelike tunnel upward.  Jandro quickly disappears below me.  This marks the beginning of my first mission. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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Break His Heart- Phil LesterWhere stories live. Discover now