The Boy in the Woods

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Minerva's  p.o.v.
The world didn't used to be like this. Neither did The Republic of  Midinight. It wasn't always The Republic of  Midinight either. It used to be the United States of America. The elders of our borough tell 'the littles' about stories their great grand parents told to them. About their dreams for the future, about their views of the dark past, about their opinions of  today.

Always talking about how different it used to be and how ,if they had a choice, they would go back to the old ways.

I thought about this as I walked down the path that had grown familiar throughout the years.

With my bow in hand, I walked   towards the trap I had set the previous night. It held a rabbit , and I always hated this part but you gotta do what you gotta do, I drew an arrow, and quickly released ,hoping I hit it in the heart so it wouldn't suffer. But let's face it, I'm no Katniss Everdeen. To my surprise, I actually hit the my mark. (Guys I know the pic on the side/above is Jennifer but she's a good actress and this is how I imagine Minerva so bear with me)

I took down the trap, took the arrow out of the rabbit and cleaned it. I put the rabbit aside and went to my tree. Stoping to touch the the words engraved into its side and then started climbing.

Skillfully,I made my way up to a certain spot I had claimed as mine. My heart stopped and my breath hitched as it did every time I went to that spot. I would stay for hours just looking at the spectacular view of the bay to the right, and the forest to the left. Unfortunately, today was not one of those days. I had to go home and cook dinner for the twins, Luna and Archer, my little siblings.

Next month on the 9th of October, they will be 14. Of course Luna is older and has to rub it in his face anytime someone brings it up.

I sigh realizing I need to be back earlier than normal because of the fresh meat. I love the twins, and I would kill and die for them but Jesus H. Christ, (if anyone got that ahs reference I love you) sometimes even I need a break.

As I was gathering my kill,having already got down from my tree, I heard the crunching of leaves underneath a heavy foot. I quickly calculated about how far the noise was coming from and what direction I would shoot towards if needed, and spun around to face whatever it was.

I looked past my arrow to see a boy. I analyzed him in one glance like I was taught.

About 6'2, good build, muscular,his required-by-the-law mask was a black matte color,green eyes that I could see from here,wavey brown hair,looked to be about 130lbs, and about 16 or 17. Not bad looking either, definitely got good genes.

He was about 20 feet from me. Hands up in a surrendering gesture, but I didn't let my guard down.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I questioned ,authority in my voice. My voice was just as cold and emotionless as my face.

"I'm going to my tree. Take it easy woman,jeeze." His voice was very smooth and deep, it reminded me of my father.

"Which tree?" I'm curious as to whether or not it's mine.

"That one, right beside that old tree." He says while pointing to the tree beside mine.

I breathe out a sigh of relief that it's not mine. He doesn't have a weapon and hasn't made an advancement towards me so I lower my bow but still keep it at the ready, just in case.

"Are you done trying to kill me or..." He asks.

"You didn't answer my question yet." My gut wants me to learn more about him but my mind is still cautious.

"I only share my name with people i'm close to." He responded as though I should've already known that.

"What should I call you then?"

"They call me Ace." He replied with a smile.

"You can call me Slim. It's not my name though. I'll tell you my name when you tell me yours."  That nickname slipped out before I could stop it. It was my parents nickname for me when I was Luna and Archers age.

"Sounds like a deal then, Slim." He smirked.

"Oh, shiz, it's already 7(pm) I've got to go!" I hurriedly gathered my stuff and started walking down the path. My mask was getting hot. I needed to get home because I really didn't like having to wear a mask all the time. At least we can take them off in front of family.

"Slim! I-Um- will I-uh- see you again?" He was scratching the back of his neck and shuffling his feet.

I smirked.
"We'll see ..." And with that I walked off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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