Oh Hello Kaiba..

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It was Tristan's birthday yesterday so I made a video for him. 'Tristan Taylor Battle Cry'

"I'm so sorry.." Yami apologized to Solomon.

"I failed..".

"Don't get yourself down my boy! We'll get Yugi back, I'm sure of it!" Solomon assured Yami with a smile.

"What about the others? How will they take it?" Yami choked, imagining his friends reactions.

"I'm not sure. But do not worry, alright?".

The Pharaoh sighed.
*It hurts to much..* Yami thought.
Yami sat outside in front of the game shop, waiting....He thought Yugi might come back...He thought Yugi might come back as his usual happy self...

"Pharaoh...? What are you doing here all by yourself?" a girl asked worryingly.
Yami slowly turned his head toward the person and realized it was Téa. He clenched his teeth together and held his hands. Tears dripped down from his cheeks and onto the pavement.

"Pharaoh?!" Téa gasped as she ran towards him.
"What's wrong-"

"HE'S GONE!" Yami shouted.

" What do you mean "he's gone"?!" Téa gasped.

"....They took him away.." Yami muttered.
"No way!".
"What is this? A great ruler weeping? Hm...I see this got you quite hard!" A voice laughed.

"Why?! You were the ones who took Yugi aren't you?!" Téa cried.

The two nodded their heads..
"We came back to have fun" Serenity giggled.

"But I think watching the Pharaoh cry like this is more interesting" Damien said.

"Stop it! Leave us and Yugi out of whatever your planning!" Téa pleaded.

"Téa stop..." Yami finally said in a low tone.

"What is it that you want from me?! You already took my soul away so what else? My body next!?".

Damien and Serenity laughed.

Yami got up, tears storming out if his eyes as he walked closer to Damien and Serenity.

"This goal you have..You really think its such a good one? Please. I've seen better villains than you" the Pharaoh laughed.

"Pharaoh??" Tèa stumbled back, shocked. Tèa thought the Pharaoh has now lost his mind...

"Where. Is. Yugi?!" The Pharaoh demanded harshly.
"Oh..he's safe don't worry your highness" Damien snickered.

"Oh? Really. He's safe. I hardly believe that! I know something bad happened to him and you are going to bring him to me NOW!"
"I lost Yugi so many times during those years I met him, AND I WILL NOT LOSE HIM AGAIN!!".
An orange and purple light shot from the Pharaoh and began to devour the two fallen.
Their dying screams rang out through the city, bringing everyone's attention. They vanished, but the Pharaoh knew they were going to come back. Come back with war...
The Pharaoh gasped in exhaustion, he then sat on the cold pavement taking deep breaths.
" P-Pharaoh..?" Tèa called out softly.
Yami looked up at her and just mumbled something under his breath.
"I am sorry about that..Téa" Yami said. "I am completely sorry that you had to see that..".

" Don't be sorry. I understand what you did. We'll get Yugi back but not that way.." Téa said calmly as she patted Yami's back.

"What the hell was that just now?" A voice shouted with frustration.

"Kaiba...!" Yami growled.

"The Pharaoh kicking some evil butt!" Téa cheered.

Kaiba rolled his eyes. After his experience with the Pharaoh leaving and the end of the duel Yugi and Atem had, he began to realize that everything was true. Which he deeply apologized for his behavior, but he still acts like the cold '"I'm still the king of games meh!!", but everyone got use to that.

Solomon called Kaiba about all that has happened which Kaiba kind of took it hard, but he didn't really much care. Kaiba was busy working on this big project and he does not want to be disturbed or even think about touching his deck until it's finished...

"Well whatever you're doing made everyone freak out, so try to take your fights a bit more quieter, especially when I'm working".

"It was not my fault on what happened though. It is their fault for what they started" Yami told Kaiba coldly.

"I'm going to regret saying this but..For Mokuba's sake, if you need any help just call. He has been pestering me all about how much he wants to help you and your cheer squad...So I'll allow it, just don't get on my nerves" Kaiba sighed as he explained everything.

"Well we are very grateful Kaiba, thank you" Yami said quickly.

"Well with all of the crap that happened over the last 5-6 years, I don't care at this point. But all I want from you is to stop trying to kill people unless necessary!" Kaiba shouted.
"I don't want to deal with cleaning your mess!".

The Pharaoh rolled his eyes and began to laugh to himself.

" What's so funny?!"

"Oh nothing. Just go back to being you" Yami laughed.

Kaiba sighed and stormed off. He jumped into his super mega awesome Blue Eyes White Dragon Jet and took off.

"Fun time is over. Now I must plan on how to get Yugi..".

" Together. If you want I can go get Joey and Tristan and we could all plan this together" Téa added.

"I don't know...It seems to risky to bring you guys in this mess. Its not like we're dueling to get out of this crazy dream. Its actual fighting Téa and I do not want any of you to get harmed" Yami explained to her.

"Too bad. Whatever you say Pharaoh is not going to stop us from helping you!" Téa said strongly.

Yami sighed.
"Fine I give up. You may help..".

Téa cheered happily and began to text Joey and Tristan...

The war will begin soon

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