My time with yugyeom

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Yugyeom took me to a room. It was beautiful.
"But everything is pink" I stated.

Yugyeom- don't most the girls like pink stuffs?
Me- well i think I don't count in the most girls.
Yugyeom- "well that's our bad. I personally choose this bed for you.
And then Out of nowhere he pulled me on the bed.With him laying beside me, i didn't know what to do!!!!
"You will get a good sleep tonight." -Yugyeom

We both were still laying down looking at the ceiling. But then he rolled over and looked at me with his half body on top of mine. He was a lot heavier. He ran his hands down my hair and fixed them. I got shy and pushed him. But he didn't move a bit as my strength was not enough to move a giant body of his. Right after he grabbed both my hands and locked them with his, so that I don't move. This time his whole body was on top of mine. Suddenly he leans toward my face. "He is going to kiss me!! This is a kiss! Ik it" these were my thoughts at that moment.
But all he did was hug me. We stayed in a hugging position on bed.
After few minutes he got up "you smell good. And your hair too!!"
I got nervous and asked him to move.

But He smooched me softly, got up from my body. And left the room.

I was still in a shock.
I didn't know what was going on.

After an hour, i got back my senses and decided to take a shower and then go meet the other members. As already a lot of dama has been going on.

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