Childhood Friends...

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A/N: Heavily Edited 5/Sept/2017
~3rd Person POV~

"I'm gonna getcha' (Y/N)!"
The little girl, that was hiding from her best friend, silently giggled behind the oak tree she chose as her refuge.
"Oh (Y/N)~~"
He drew out the last letter of her name, which was followed by another poorly-covered giggle from the small child. He smirked as he stalked his way to the tree she was behind. As she looked to her left, she saw nothing there, leaving her in a state of confusion, as to her assumption that Eddie would be there, which he wasn't. Silence filled the air, the girl slightly scared about possibly being left alone in the forest. Out of nowhere, he then picked her up from behind and threw her on his shoulders, while giving out a loud, high-pitched shriek,
"AAHH!! Eddieeee!"
As the young girl pouted Eddie just laughed in return. His laughter died down and looked at her from over his shoulder. Her large (E/C) orbs meeting his handsome sapphire ones.
"Ok (Y/N), I need to take you back now-"
"NO! I wanna go home with you!"
Eddie smiled and chuckled,
"You know I would take you to my home (Y/N), but that'll mean your chances of getting a family will get slimmer, you know this..."
"But I want a family with you!!"
As the 12 year old stood there in shock, his cheeks had shown his embarrassment by getting dusted with a light pink. He swallowed awkwardly, knowing that (Y/N) meant to live with himself and his mother. However, had thought of something else. He took the young girl off of his shoulders and smiled down at her.
"Noo!! Carry me!"
Doing grabbing actions with her fists at Eddie. He laughed, shook his head and just took her hand, he hunched down a little to be at her height, he smiled and began walking.

~10 minutes later~

As they reached the tall building standing in front of them. (Y/N) recognised the all-too familiar sign at the gate; 'Miss. Heath's Orphanage for Children', only to pout and begin tearing up. Eddie noticed this and immediately crouched down to be at eye level with her.
"Hey, hey, hey... C'mon, no more tears, you're stronger than that..."
He knelt down in front of the 7 year old and wiped a tear coming from her (E/C) gems with his soft thumb. He smiled gently, while cupping her cheeks in his larger hands, and said to the small girl,
"Hey I'll come pick you up tomorrow, we can go my house if you'd like!"
The little girl sniffed and wiped her tears nodding and humming a 'yes' in response. He hugged her and pecked her forehead, blushing ever so slightly. The little girl walked up to the old oak door, turning around and waved at the young boy, soon turning her attention back to the door, walking inside, disappearing into the darkness of the dimly lit hall.

The young Edward Gluskin's heart shattered every time he had dropped her off at the dreadful place. He simply walked away with his hands in his pockets, back to his house, some would call it 'a Luxury Mansion', but he was never truly happy there, not because of the fact his father was not there, but by the fact that his heart yearned for the innocent (Y/N). He was ashamed at himself, appalled, disgusted. He hated how he couldn't keep the young (Y/N) safe and sound in his arms at all times. It made him sick...

As the young girl walked through the doors, the keeper of the orphanage just scoffed,
"Well, looks like little (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) didn't get back here on time..."
The little girl looked down at the floor. Tearing up again. But she held the tears back.
Remembering what Eddie had said to her.
"I-I'm sorry Miss..."
"Well you should be!"
The girl winced at the middle aged woman's voice rise in volume.
"You have five minutes to get to your room before I lock you in there!"
The sound of the girl's feet disappeared from the reception room, until they reached her own dorm. She remember how Eddie taught her how to read, write and talk properly. She always read the note her mother had left when she was just a newborn,
"To the Keeper of the Orphanage,
In this cradle is my child, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N). I hope you will be able to take care of her, she means everything to me, and as guilty as I am, I am unable to look after my daughter, for I fear for her well being in my life. I know she'll be strong, so, I beg of you, please keep her safe... I will leave her my name, but she cannot look for me, for I am no longer in this country, I do not wish to upset her, but I'll hope she'll understand,
Yours Sincerely,
(Mother's first name)..."

Eddie Gluskin x Fem! Reader Oneshot. Childhood Where stories live. Discover now