Amethyst City Down: Prologue

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A child held his mother's hand. Well, not exactly a child, but an about thirteen year old boy. He watched as the Amethyst City, his home for thirteen years, burned in plumes of orange and gray. The sun was blocked and it was cold, except the heat of his tears, which were falling down to his chin. Where would he go? Where could he go? The Amethyst City was all he'd ever known, all he's ever seen. And now, it was no longer.

He turned around to look at the faces of the people he'd known, all terrified, wide eyed, and confused. This is something he'd never expected to see. Never wanted to see it. He looked in the direction of his house, for he could see it from the hill where the city's residents stood. It was untouched. He felt his tears start to dry, feeling cold and sticky on his face. His home, which wouldn't stay fine for long, was where he'd grown up, never living anywhere else.

"Amos." His mother turned him to look up at her. "I want you to know that you will continue on. Promise me you will?"

"Yes, mama. I will continue on." Amos could see that her face was streaked with tears.

"Good. But... I will not. I will die here. You must find somewhere else. I will no longer be by your side, but I will be in your heart. Do you hear me, boy?"

"Yes mama... But why? Why will you leave me?" New tears fell down Amos's cheeks.

"Because, Amos, I have been born here, and I must meet my end here. I have lead a full life. However, you shall not come with me. You are merely thirteen, and have a whole life ahead of you. I love you, Amos. I love you with all of my heart."

"Mommy! I love you, too, Mommy!" Amos cried and threw himself into her, burying his head in her chest. He hadn't done that since he was ten. She hugged him tight, whispering her last words into his ear. She leaned down and kissed him on the top of his head, and let him go. "Amos," she said, as she strode towards the flames, and into the old house.

And then, a minute later, the house went up in flames.

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